Strategic Analysis Of Bob Evans

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Strategic Analysis of Bob Evans

Strategic Analysis of Bob Evans


Bob Evans is a highly reputable brand name in the context of USA. It is characterized by a family of regional brands. Bob Evans has a number of full service restaurants that serve the needs of customers in an appropriate manner. In addition, Bob Evans also has a number of retail food products that have been successfully contributing to the enhanced reputation of Bob Evans.

The success criteria for Bob Evans have been the focus on high quality food and the excellent service that it provides. Customers are highly delighted when they go through the service of Bob Evans restaurants as they do not get that exclusive level of experience in other restaurants. On the other hand, the high quality aspect of food provided by Bob Evans has greatly contributed towards the increased customer satisfaction (Bob Evans, 2013).


In order to realize growth and market expansion, it is necessary for Bob Evans to focus on diversifying its operations. With a concentrated focus on food category, it cannot survive for long. In order to achieve outstanding growth levels, Bob Evans should look to adopt aggressive market expansion as clearly a singular focus on the category of food would not reap the required results in future. There is a need for them to go for related diversification by expanding one of its high performing brands.

Market Expansion cannot be accomplished with the same brands that have been performing for a long period. Successful organizations look to expand their high performing brands with the aim of achieving the required levels of market expansion. The aspect of diversification would hold Bob Evans in good stead for the future since they would be able to exploit a new category by combining the strategies of diversification and market expansion. If Bob Evans is looking for expanding on the basis of globalization, it should make sure to implement the same level of customer service it has in USA. The distinct customer service offered by Bob Evans forms a competitive edge for their customers and thus they should standardize their distinct customer service in the context of globalized operations.

Value Disciplines

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