Planning is a tool that helps us to influence the future results of our actions. It contributes to teach us to think before acting. Those who do not plan their actions are forced to improvise and run the risk of not achieving the desired results.
The act of planning, voluntary or involuntary, conscious or unconscious, is part of our daily lives. It is inherent in human beings. To achieve its goals both immediate and sometimes long-term takes planning. The act of planning is always related to a vision of the future. To better plan it is necessary to validate answers for two basic questions, these are:
I can plan what to do to get out of where I am from (the current situation)
To get in the situation where I want to go (goal situation).
We consider the act of planning, that help us to move from a current situation to a situation objective. Strategic planning can be done in different situations (for a person, group of people, in a public or private enterprise, governments, etc.). Of course there are obstacles to the passage of the current situation to the goal situation. Anyone who wants to expand the possibilities of overcoming these obstacles should use the most appropriate strategies.
Strategy is nothing more than to anticipate possible obstacles that may arise when planning to move from the current situation to the goal based situation. A planner who does not think in advance the possible obstacles that will arise at the time they arise will have to improvise. There are people who are naturally good strategists. Planning accentuate towards imagination. It asks to perceive the possible obstacles that would arise throughout the task, and have plans to be put in place for each of these obstacles. This is essential for successful accomplishment of set objective.
Long-term healthcare facilities can observe differing kinds of problems and unforeseen events in any time period. These problems are essentially the internal environment, the organization functions in. When planning associated with the strategy, it constitutes a tool called strategic planning. This type of planning increases the possibility of moving from the current situation to the goal situation. This tool will acquire experience and skills to apply the method. For this, besides the interest of each, it is also necessary to be clear of the current situation and the goals you want to achieve.
The aim of this paper is to select any long-term care facility currently operational in the U.S. The aim is to assess the long-term care facility, and research the strategic plan it has in place. The paper would provide a brief overview of the composition of its strategic plan. Furthermore, efforts would also be made to analyze the strategies in an effort to make educated assumptions on what tools might have been used, or what I feel should have been used (i.e., needs assessments, demand analyses, etc.). by the long term care ...