Strategic Administration

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Strategic Administration

Strategic Administration


The organization is looking for the change management program with corporation of government reform. The aim of this implementation of change program is to solve the difficulties related to the human resources; the following report examines these issues from the perspective of operational and strategic human resources. All the practices of the human resource activities are inter-related with each other. Therefore, it is important that the whole chain of human resources practices is made stronger (Gatewood, 2010).

Effective management knowledge contributing to competitive advantage

For the solution of strategic management issues, it is important that the organization has a competitive edge over the competitors. Strategic management includes the resource-based understanding of the organization and knowledge. These two things improve the competitive advantage of the organization. To tackle the competitors with the very best, the organization uses knowledge-based competitive advantage to respond to the competitive environment. For the organization to position itself in highest level of development, extreme value must be given to the information and knowledge instead financial resources and visible structure (Kezar 2001, 4).

The competitive advantage is perceived to be achieved from the intangible asset, intellectual capital which comprises of human capital, structural capital, research and development. Possible competitive advantages are created through the knowledge-based interpretation through the knowledge, taken as the corporate for the strategic resource. The competitive advantage makes the company an edge over its competitors which help to cater the market in a more appealing way (Hayes 2006, 182).

With more knowledge companies become successful, but it is important that the knowledge is used in the right way and realize which knowledge holds the strategic significance for the success. An organization is always in dilemma regarding use of financial, technological and human resources. According Porter (1985) an organization must use resources which are valuable, inimitable and rare. In this context there has been a shift in focus from financial aspect to human resources. An organization is said to have sustained competitive advantage when the strategies applied by it are not applied by any of its competitors and are hard to implement.

The organizational value can be created with the transfer of internal knowledge. The quality of knowledge is highly effects the success of the organization within the competitive market, which is applied by the management to the processes of key businesses (Gatewood, 2010).

The reason as to why knowledge management is successful for the competitive advantage because of the following:

Competition: knowledge-based management developed within the high competitive area therefore, knowledge must be build at the quicker rate.

Customer focus: customers are developed with each step of enterprise development.

The creation of effective knowledge management helps the organization to deal with competitors. Knowledge management develops the organization's intangible asset. The brain power, human capital and invisible competencies are more reliable for the economic and production level of the company instead of the physical assets.

Suitable learning method for employees

Following are the learning methods which can be opted as suitable by the ...
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