Store Environment And Consumer Perception

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Store Environment and Consumer Perception

Store Environment and Consumer Perception


Companies are facing grown competition due to development of global market. Consumers perceive similar type of products and service providers as same. Thus retailers or wholesalers should make sure that they adopt various differentiation strategies to maintain competitive edge. Customers expect from retailers to provide much more than price discounts or high quality products (Kaltcheva & Weitz 2006, pp. 110). Due to increased competition, superstores and departmental stores have to satisfy both the customers and other stake holders by achieving continuous growth. Departmental stores are increasing in number due to provision of product variety and discount prices. Stores are supplied with well designed structural and modern layout.

Arnotts is located at the entrance on Henry and Liffey Street. It is considered as favourite department of most consumers. The product range is wide and everything is available at very affordable and reasonable price. Brown Thomas is the most exclusive store of Dublin which unique artistic features. A wide variety of products is also available here comprising of national and international brands. In this assignment, we will evaluate the differences and similarities of two major departmental stores in Ireland (Nath 2009, pp. 70).


Perceptual Map

Perceptual mapping is the process where information is assesses on different parameters and helps in evaluating the perception. It is also termed as multidimensional scaling or cognitive mapping. The departmental stores in discussion have been mapped to identify the similarities and differences (Kaltcheva & Weitz 2006, pp. 110).

With the help of perceptual mapping, we can identify the objects and attributes associated with both departmental stores. Thus it establishes relationship between multiple factors.



With the help of position on perceptual map, both departmental stores can formulate strategies regarding sales and intervention dynamics. It gives the overall general view about the departmental store and companies should assess such maps regularly to monitor change over time (Nath 2009, pp. 70).

Retail Service Model

The retail service quality can also judge the perception of consumers as well as communication with them. The model emphasizes on customer satisfaction and understanding. Dabholkar and fellow researchers presented this model which comprises of

1. Physical aspects including the convenience and store layout

2. Reliability includes delivering the promise store presented to customer

3 Personal Interactions is to maintain healthy relations with employees of store and provide them with confidence and trust

4. Problem Solving is store's ability to sort out potential problems.

5. Policy which should be used for diagnosis in weaker areas (Nath 2009, pp. 70).

After analyzing the strategies adopted by both the stores in enhancing consumer perception, it can be noticed how Brown Thomas has perceived itself as exclusive quality provider. The store has increased sales despite high prices because of successful implementation of Service quality model. Arnotts has recently redevelopments itself. It restructured and revised resource allocation. This has helped Arnott is being a high quality store with affordable prices.

Thomas Brown has followed visual subliminal perception by making sure the consumers' brains are supplied with after images of visual effects. Through this approach object is formed ...