Stopping Kony In Uganda

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Stopping Kony in Uganda


The research paper is all about the Kony who is the leader of militant of the LRA group, who are indulge into the kidnapping and sexual harassment of children. They have made young boys soldiers and abusing young girls sexually. The research paper shows the means by which a western government can help the people of Uganda.

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Stopping Kony in Uganda


“Yes, the Western government should play active role in stopping Kony.” Kony is the leader of militants, brutal and leader of a quasi-religious group over two decades in Central Africa. He has been held in charge for the kidnapping and abduction of more than 30,000 children in Africa. He had made young girls sex slave for him and him army and boys are made to be young soldiers. He forces the boys to kill their own parents and any other elder they wish to kill. There is no basic motto for the existence of Kory's army. He is ranked to be no. 1 on the wanted list of the International Criminal Court. He has no limitations or fear, he travels across boundaries, indulges in kidnapping, slaughtering locals and maiming, without any fear of being caught. Kony emerged in 1980' and runs the organization namely the Lord's Resistance Army, who stands in the opposition to Yoweri Museveni, he who the one to take control over the Uganda in 1986, and forced them out with starting the rebel against the Idi Amin and Milton Obote, who ruled Uganda previously (Kersten, 2012).

Kony distinguishes his group on the bizarre ideology and on the vicious and violent tricks. He receives his weapons from Khartoum. Kony is expected to be claiming to work on the Islamic doctrine, where he prohibits on eating pork, and demands on observing fast in month of Ramadan. The children have developed so much fear of being kidnap and sexual harassments that they have developed the phenomena of night commute, where children of Uganda leaves the villages and resides and hide themselves in larger cities to sleep, and larger cities are much more safer and have lesser rick of LRA kidnapping and abductions (Rose, 2012).


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