Stop And Search Report

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Stop and Search Report


This review provides first, a brief review of the regulation with regards to stop and search abilities. Secondly, it provides a conclusion of the current statistical evidence of disproportionality in quit and look for charges using the competition and ethnicity. In addition, the review looks at some of the actual aspects that might assistance and strengthen disproportionality in quit and look for charges. It was important for the Analysis Section to know why it is taking place and what the consequent costs are in order to figure out how they can be mitigated. Finally, the last part makes suggestions, using the proof the panel received, on ways in which the Analysis Section views quit and look for practice can progress.

Table of Content



Scope and Purpose of the Report1



Reasons for Writing Report2

Strengths and Weakness2



Theoretical Orientation Standpoint3

Impacts of Diversity3

Financial Implication3

Legal Implications3


Stop and Search Report


This review provides members with a position bring up to date on the use of quit and look for and quit and consideration within the MPS. It describes that the MPS will maintain quit and consideration until May 2011 awaiting additional assessment. The review also provides information on the past wedding and assessment process and information on the overall performance structure to scrutinize and determine quit look for data.

Scope and Purpose of the Report

The MPA is dedicated to working with the MPS to improve Quit and Look for and reduce disproportionality. Quit and Look for remains a Hollywood feature of looking after which needs to be used in a fair and methodical way. Law enforcement government bodies have key jobs to promote individuals' rights in regards to prevent look, interesting towns to work with law enforcement to observe its use and helping determine and maintain sound practice that emphasizes looking after by approval and problems discriminatory methods.

The main purpose of this report is to ensure that Metropolitan Police Service is accountable to general double for its actions. The role of the committee is to make effective contributions in securing society and rendering fair and transparent services to the people of United Kingdom.


This report also indicates regarding some essential issues that are face by the people of United Kingdom who belongs to diverse communities. Stop and search clearly indicates few important indicators that have significant impact on the level of trust and association with the members of police of London.

There are five essential aspects of this report that are as follows:

To evaluate the impact of racism in UK

To analyze the collected data from the research

To ensure the cost benefit analysis which can be gained from the research

To evaluate and identify good police practices

To evaluate the assertion of criminalist


In search of these projects, the primary method employed by the Research Area was through community proof hearing periods. 12 such periods were held between May 2003 and Jan 2004. Moreover, desk research was performed to review the conclusions of recent reviews and reviews on the issues being researched. Community events were presented to determine the views ...
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