Stigma Of Alcoholism

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Stigma of Alcoholism

Stigma of Alcoholism


Alcoholism covers “alcohol abuse” and “alcohol dependence.” In general, if an excessive use of alcohol and cannot self-restraint, resulting in cognitive, behavioral, physical, social functions or interpersonal relationships obstacles or injury, and knowingly, unable to exercise restraint, to reach “alcohol abuse” extent. If further deterioration, as the alcohol than any other things are important and must spend a lot of time or effort to drink or drinking, or drinking it must feel comfortable, or alcohol intake must be increased to achieve the desired effect, or produce alcohol withdrawal syndrome, reached “alcohol dependence” level, (Johnson, 2010, 630).

Recovery from alcohol abuse also does not depend on willpower. In almost no studies related to recovery from alcoholism willpower of the individual at the time of admission, was recovery prognosis. As Mark Twain said, “I find it very easy to quit, I left twenty times”. Long-term studies demonstrate that treatment is almost as effective as detoxification (Vaillant & Vaillant, 2009).

The power dependence on addictive psychoactive substances has on human beings lies not in our cortex. The power of addiction in our minds is located in what was called our reptilian brain. The power is located in the field of cellular changes in the brain cells - the nucleus accumbens and the upper tegmentum. These changes are beyond the reach of willpower, beyond the reach of conditioning and also beyond the reach of psychoanalytic insight.


Some people only drink in social situations, not addictive, some people become alcoholics. This is to be attributed to genetic, physiological, psychological and social factors combined effects. Gene may cause people to alcoholism is an important factor. Studies have shown that children of alcoholics become alcoholics four times as likely to normal; Although this is a necessary link environmental factors, but scientists have identified the genetic relationship exists. The researchers will try to find out which genes may increase the risk of alcoholism, in order to develop new drugs to treat alcoholism (Spanagel, 2009, 649-705).

In physiological terms, alcohol will change the balance of chemicals in the brain. Alcohol affects the brain reward center of chemical substances, such as dopamine, and ultimately lead to human desire for alcohol, in order to restore the feeling of pleasure and avoid negative feelings. If the parties already a lot of pressure, or low self-esteem and depression and other psychological problems are more likely to form alcoholism (Milam & Ketcham, 2011).

Social Factors

Social factors also lead to alcoholism important reasons, such as peer pressure, advertising and the environment. Young people start drinking is often the reason to follow a friend. Broadcast on television advertising of beer and alcoholic beverages, but also tend to drink expressed as charming and pleasant pastime.

Young people come into contact with alcohol and drugs increasingly earlier in our country. The sooner this contact occurs, the greater the chance of developing abuse or addiction. Therefore the number of abusers, alcoholics and drug addict has been growing amazingly. Experts say that at least 20% of the population ...
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