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John stienbeck and Elisabeth gaskel are both very similar writers and both write similar storeys. Two of their books "of mice and men" and "half brothers" both have similarities and links. Even though they had 100 years of time between them the two story's both have similar characters and are both convincing in similar ways

Helen and her first husband were in a very close relationship we know this due to the fact that she could not talk about him after he died of scarlet fever, as she is two upset. Then her first baby dies just before Gregory was born. But she soon forgot about him and concentrated on rasing Gregory (Steinbeck, 13-15).

She then marries William Preston but this is more for financial and social security as she starts loosing her visions and can no longer sew with her aunt fanny. Whom came to help look after her and the baby. So when William asks her to marry him she was relieved and jumped at the chance for some one to look after her and her baby. But this was not based so much on love but on the security that he could provide.

William did not have a very god relationship with Gregory because after the third baby, the narrator, Helen dies but William blames Gregory for the death of Helen, even though it was more likely to be the narrator's fault. But William had hated Gregory to the point that he even bullied the dog, lassie. But he mused have loved him deep down as he still raised Gregory and let him live with him.

Gregory's relationship with his half brother was not a good one as they blamed each other for the death of their mother. But Gregory must have loved his brother as he scarified himself to save his half brother when he got stuck in the snowstorm. He died just to keep his half brother warm until further help arrived. So there was obviously love for his half brother. But I don't think that his half brother loved him as he bullied him and his dog! (Tamm, 15-19)

Gregory's half brother blamed Gregory for the death of his mother but. It was probably his own fault as he was the later child and she died not long afterwards probably due to the stress or pain of childbirth. But his half brother was a pain from the start not just annoying Gregory but also the staff that worked on the farm bossing them around and generally being evil to them

The half brothers relationship with the workers was one of power the narrator thought that since he was the bosses son the workers should do as he said. He also mocks and teases the workers including Gregory who he thinks of as just another worker as he bosses him around and bullies him and his dog he also laughs as William does the same.

Aunt fanny and Gregory had a good relationship as aunt fanny is the only one who Gregory really ...