Steroids Should Be Legalized For Sports

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Steroids Should Be Legalized For Sports

Steroids Should Be Legalized For Sports

The steroid nucleus are drifts esterano consisting of carbon and hydrogen forming four fused rings, three to six atoms of carbon and one to five; has in total 17 atoms of carbon. In this basic structure steroid is modified by addition of various functional groups such as carbonyl and hydroxyl (hydrophilic) or hydrocarbon chains (hydrophobic). The three type of steroids that are commonly known are estrogens (female hormones aka), androgens (male hormones) and cortisone. The use of steroids can help in increasing the performance levels of athletes. However, it has been reported that the use of these steroids can have severe negative health related consequences for the individual y using it. Due to both of these factors, the use of steroids has been banned in sporting events, as it is considered dangerous for health, as well as, unethical to enhance the performance artificially by using such drugs (Kicman, Gower, 2003). Considering the benefits it can have to the athlete, as well as, the sports, along with the fact that its side effects have never been proofed through results of any study, the main purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the use of steroids that can be helpful to enhance performance of an athlete taking part in any kind of a sporting activity.

The types of steroid that have been used over the passage of time by different athletes, in order to enhance their performance are anabolic androgenic steroids that remain the most controversial and widely used substances to enhance athletic performance, and / or physical appearance. The recent commercial availability of testosterone gels increases the likelihood that more individuals and / or athletes use these substances in the future. The ethical and legal implications of the use of hormones in sports to increase performance are clear - it is unethical and illegal. However, the medical implications surrounding the use of anabolic steroids to enhance athletic performance or appearance are less clear. More research is needed on these substances to get a better understanding of the positive and negative attributes of the same. Anabolic androgenic steroids, i.e., synthetic steroid hormones or steroid hormone analogs that promote tissue growth and masculinization, have been used in sports to increase muscle mass and enhance performance for almost 50 years. The androgenic and anabolic properties of each steroid compound are determined by their chemical structure and / or metabolites, and this activity can vary considerably (Kicman, Gower, 2003). Many products are sold in the market as steroids black irresponsible contain an amount of anabolic steroids or different one in the label mentioned. In other words, athletes often do not know what they are using. Moreover, there are numerous sideeffects of steriods that can severely affect the athlete in the longer period, in the course of his or her life. However, the presence of these side effects in the use of steroids has not yet been proved through any research or ...