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A stereotype is referred to a thought that might be adopted by different types of individuals about different types of doing things of performance of particular actions. It is important to understand that the particular belief that an individual carries might be correct and might not. The above mentioned definition of stereotype is a basic psychological definition of a stereotype. In the entire subject of psychology, there are different concepts and definitions that are present regarding stereotyping that further expand the definition of stereotyping. It is observed that some of the definitions of stereotyping may share some common aspects, while others may possess unique aspects that may further contradict or complement the other aspects in other different definitions (Schneider, pp. 108). The core focus of this paper is to share and discuss a stereotype and bias that is carried in my mentality and the ways in which my biasness may hurt a certain group towards which my biasness is targeted.


The biasness hat I carry in my cognition is towards the teenagers in the current society and it is also obvious that everyone might not think in the same way as I do. It is also not essential that everyone might think that my perception about the people of teenage group is right. It is believed by me that the teenagers in the present society are not seen to be serious towards their work and responsibilities and they always like to spend their time with friends in parties and other social gatherings. For me, the teenage boys and girls pose a reputation of being obnoxious, mischievous, and foolish to some extent. Many people argue with me that it would not be appropriate for considering the teenage people of the modern society only to be mischievous and foolish. Many people believe that ...
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