Stem Cells

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Stem Cells

Stem cells are usually very early stage cells that have the potential for the formation of a specialized types of cells. Stem cells, usually fall into one of three categories, they are;

Embryonic stem cells - is unclassified stem cells derived from human embryos. These stem cells are particularly useful and controversial. They unclassified meaning that can be transformed into any type of cell, such as liver cells, skin cells, nerve cells. They are also controversial, because it includes a receipt of the destruction of human embryos.

Adult stem cells - adult stem cells are the stem cells that are derived from specific cells, and therefore they are limited in use there. Adult stem cells are less controversial because they can be used without destroying the fact that some people believe human life, but they are constrained in ways they can be used, since they belong to the category of cells.

Umbilical cord stem cells - When a child is born, the umbilical cord attached to them can often contain some non-stem cells. They can be frozen and stored in the company, and especially useful if a child has problems at the end of life.


Stem cells have been around forever, but serious research on them and use only since 1998. Stem cell research was also limited, and ethical values.

Embryonic stem cells are needed in two directions. First, this method of extraction using fertilized embryos from fertility clinics. There are remaining embryos when couples are tying to have a child. This is, in many cases to give as many scientists have argued that using them for research is no different. The second path of therapeutic cloning. This is one of the cells when a person who needs the stem cells and eggs from a donor are combined. Then, the donor nucleus is removed and replaced by the recipient nucleus. The egg then divided, and cells that have left the recipient's genetic information and therefore have less chance of rejection from the recipient's body. The requirement of adult stem cells are much more difficult. Extracting the stem cells of adult complicated because they must not only be extracted from human tissues, cells, but find difficult to feel as well.

Another key challenge in stem cell research is the cost. Currently, scientists in Australia do not receive any public funding for stem cell research. While in countries such as Singapore, South Korea, United Kingdom, China and Japan stem cell research is certified and funded to some extent. Companies, such as the Sydney based Cryosite recommend storing umbilical cord stem cells, although this can be quite costly.

Findings from stem cells to date, only a very scratched the surface. It will be decades before stem cell therapy is a widespread phenomenon. Scientific findings on the real embryonic stem cells to date is that they are the major ethical issues. Adult stem cells have less chance of rejection from the body, but very limited and the full potential of stem cells will be known over embryonic research stem ...
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