Stem Cell Research

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Stem Cell Research

Annotated Bibliography

Bourque, J. (2003). Banking on the future. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 15, 117-121.

Stem cells gathered from the umbilical cord and blood of an equivalent sibling have effectively healed the leukemia of the donor's older male sibling. Some parents have even gone so far as to harvest stem cells from the body-fluid present in the umbilical cord of their baby to store the cells forming due to the development of leukemia or cancerous disease which could then be remedied by the use of stem cells in the future.

Caplan, A. (2005, October 5). Stem cell research a pawn in election politics. Retrieved on October 19, 2010 from CBSNews.

Stem cells are present in every human body. In the last 20 years, progress has been made in stem cells treatment through constant research in this field . Each stem cell possesses the ability to become any organ in the body. There are three types of stem cells, totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent.

Researchers cite stem cell storage. [Electronic Version] Retrieved on October 19, 2010 from

Stem cells are responsible for construction of our bodies into adults and in replacing impaired or diseased tissues as we age. Stem cell has the ability to heal and treat diseases specially helping in healing spinal cord injuries. Stem cell researchers has been working hard for over 20 years and has made possible large improvement in the information of haematopoiesis (the method of body-fluid cell formation in dwelling organisms, most particularly in the bone marrow) as well as mouse embryology.

Clark, W. (1997). The new healers: the promise and problems of molecular medicine in The twenty-first century. New York: Oxford University Press.

The human body's ability to isolate pluripotent stem cells, in order to repair or replace organs or tissues that are impaired by illness such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, burns, or arthritis, and injury of the spinal cord or brain, and degenerative diseases like Huntington's, Parkinson's, or Alzheimer's, is still very limited.

Fumento, M. (2004, December 1). Adult stem cells producing miracles [Electronic Version]. Healthcare News. Retrieved on October 19, 2010 from

Almost all heart attacks damage the heart muscles. Until recently, the healthcare sector considered that the heart could not fix itself. Stem cells have changed this way of thinking. Hanover health School in Germany injected 30 heart strike patients with their own skeletal part and marrow stem cells and 30 stroke patients were chosen as part of a control group. The patients that received the stem cell injections resulted in 6 to 7% improvement, while the others showed no improvement.

Garvey, M. (2004, November 22). California stem cell project energizes other States to act. The Los Angeles Times [Electronic Version]. Retrieved on October 19, 2010 from La-me-stemcell22nov22, 0,6718071.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Bone marrow transplants, umbilical cord body-fluid transplants and peripheral blood stem cell transplants are used to heal cancers such as leukemia and lymphomas, and multiple myeloma. BMT is furthermore utilised to heal non-cancerous disease such as aplastic ...
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