Stem Cell Research

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Stem Cell Research


In the context of relationships derived from the binomial "científicosociedad development" to be derived problems that the legal system has to provide valid solutions specific to the legal certainty that governs this discipline. The legal response arising cannot ignore the various existing ethical conceptions about the values that may be affected. Therefore, these concepts have to be agreed by the company itself. In this respect the mandate of certainty that characterizes the legal system forces to establish strict and safe responses against pre-typed behaviors. In this work, the rule of law cannot but be in the key of interpretation according to the spatio-temporal parameters with which the society develops which displays its vigencia1. In this sense, the law should not lose sight of being considered an element of social control and security formalizado2, for which the individual loses some of its individual sphere to become a social being, imbued with the values prevailing in the society that is Part3. In this vein, in Democratic States law, the minimum will be starting in any case respect the fundamental rights, including how such derivatives also UNESCO Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights and the Convention of Human Rights and Biomedicine (Additional Protocol and the latter on reproductive cloning) (Holland, pp. 29).

The law, therefore, as a form of social control formalized includes behavioral models on which to build the mechanism for maintaining social peace on terms aceptables4. All this without losing the perspective that these are rules made by men and for men on the basis of predetermined behavior patterns made by a particular society at a particular time and place. These developments, ethical and social, must have, no doubt, its finding in the context of the evolution of the legal rule (Humber, pp. 38).

The decree allows researchers to ...
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