Stds In African-American Youth

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STDs in African-American Youth


An estimated 19 million new cases of Sexually Transmitted Diseases are detected in the United States each year. The rate of STDs is significantly higher among young African Americans. Over the years, several steps have been taken in order to decrease the STD rate in the US but the rates have been disproportionately higher among African Americans. In addition, the STD rates in young African American girls are the highest (Laumann 2009) (CDCP 2005)

. Sexually Transmitted Diseases mainly spread by sexual contact such as oral, anal and vaginal sex. Among young African Americans, the rates for chancroid, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis are significantly higher and increase the risk of getting HIV/AIDS. A number of interventions, in underserved communities have been undertaken on several levels. In addition, media campaigns have played a vital role in educating young adults on STDs and their prevention with proper protection use and other significant steps to prevent their transfer. African American statistics show increased levels of STD risks such as multiple sex partners, social networks of high STD prevalence, drug and alcohol addiction, gender power imbalances and lack of comfort around sexuality. The numbers of African Americans in college engaging in unprotected sex, drug and alcohol abuse have shown steady increases as well.


Interventions based on formative research and concrete theoretical frameworks have yielded positive results in reducing HIV/STD risks and rates. The possible areas of intervention include Individual Level Interventions, Community or Organization Level Interventions and Structural or Policy Level Interventions.

Individual Level Interventions

Individual Level Intervention includes regular STD screening, reduction of risky sexual behavior and increase in self protection behavior. This is a behavioral approach which is conducted in an interactive manner in which the participant is involved in the development of strategies for prevention. Personalized risk assessment, patient initiated behavior change and education on the risks involved are some of the key areas of focus. Stage based counseling is the most effective mode of administering such a program which involves Behavioral Risk Assessment, Identification of Target behavior, Assess the client's readiness to change and utilizing a counseling strategy which is most likely to induce a positive change.

Community Level Interventions

The preferred approach Community Level Interventions is to influence the social factors that are involved such as the norms of the community and the empowerment which would influence changes in individual behavior (Laumann 2009). This approach will also facilitate ...
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