Statistics Of Tesco

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Statistics of Tesco

Statistics of Tesco

Introduction to the usage of Statistics in UK

The importance of the usage of statistics in UK has a lot of value in any particular area or field. This applies to the retail industry, financial sector, manufacturing sector or any other industry. The reason is that the statistics helps in the analysis of the data collected in order to conduct a suitable assessment. In this particular topic, a case study related to the statistics of Tesco Corporation in UK will be discussed in detail.

Introduction of the Tesco's Case Study

The case study related to the statistics of the Tesco Corporation in UK is the main issue for the topic. The period of the early 1990s was not a very ideal for the UK grocery chain known as Tesco Corporation. The sales level decreased to a very large extent and the growth of the profit also experienced a slow growth, the shares prices also decreased and many competitors also started entering the UK in huge numbers. The cost cutting program of the Tesco Company did not prove to be successful as the competitors were able to enhance their position during this particular time period. There was a need to take drastic measures in order to help the company going through the crisis period. The turnaround program for Tesco was introduced in the mid-90s in order to revive their position. A concept of Sustainable Marketing was implemented by the Senior Management for improving the operations of the company. The higher management made serious efforts to resolve the major problems of the company. Therefore, all the issues and aspects related to the statistics of marketing activities in Tesco Corporation will be discussed in detail.

Statistics of Tesco Corporation

The company employs large number of workforce and has large number of operations in many parts of the world. The company has experienced an overall growth of more than 6% in the last three years, which is phenomenal for them as they faced worst crisis during the early 90s that affected their existence very badly. The sales figure of the company also doubled in the last five years that reached a figure of £62.5bn, the increase in the profits amount, and also positioning Tesco as the third largest supermarket chain in the world. The company has also expanded its operations in the emerging markets such as in the Central and Eastern parts of the Europe, China, India and also the US. The numbers of the stores have doubled in UK also and Tesco has the highest market share in the grocery market. The sales figures of the Tesco Corporation are mentioned in the following figure.

Figure 1: Tesco's Sales Figure in last 5 years

Tesco Corporation also increased its numbers of stores over the period. The biggest reason was the success that the company had experienced over the past ten years. The statistics related to the Tesco's Corporation itself demonstrates this fact and it has also enabled them to increase their market share ...
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