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Statistics In Educational Research

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Statistics in Educational Research

Statistics in Educational Research

Chapter One


a) The evaluated group is sample as randomly sampling is used in the study while collecting the data of 500 patients.

b) The evaluated group is also a sample as randomly sampling is used in the study while selecting the local restaurants.


a) The given value is statistic as the value shows that 42.7% of the downtown office buildings have problems that relate to ventilation.

b) The given value is a parameter as the value indicates that 15 students dropped the class.


a) In the study, purposive sampling is used, as purposive sample is based on the unrepresentative sample, selected because of the possession of the person entering into the composition of the specific features associated with the theme of the study. This may be a group of people from a particular age group, social or professional users of a product, the recipient of a service, etc. target sample size is determined arbitrarily, may include all individuals who meet the required criteria and agree to participate in the study.

b) In the study, simple random sampling is used, because a simple random sampling is the type of probability sampling most used. Gives accuracy and efficiency of sampling, besides being the easiest procedure to be applied - all elements of the population have the same probability of belonging to the sample. Moreover, it is very accurate and has all the elements of the population known probability of being selected for the sample. The process consists in selecting a sample "n" from a population "N". Generally the selection is done without replacement and each sample is made the drive unit until it reaches the predetermined number.


a) The study of political pollster indicates that the study is based on experimental study. Experimental studies apart from observational studies are basic or applied ...
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