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School is one of the spaces acknowledged for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The health promoting school is defined as a place with an integral view of being human, which considers people - especially children and adolescents - within their family, community and social environments. Therefore, the school is seen as one of the most important spaces in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, with the practice of physical activities, since children and adolescents, as well as teachers and auxiliaries, spend a great deal of time there.

Data Collection

The data was taken through a questionnaire on young people's health. This was collected from sample of 20 students who came into a University Student's Union Bar on one Wednesday night between 7.00 pm and 10.00 pm.


The sample consisted of 8 females and 12 males randomly who aged between 18-22 years old.

Interpretation Of The Survey Data

Variable 1 was Sex, which should that 40% were female, however 60% were male as respondents. Variable 2 was Health. It should that 25% respondents stated that they were Healthy. However 40% respondents responded that they were Very healthy. The remaining 25% people stated that they were Unhealthy. Variable 3 was Agewhich should that maximum respondents, 35% were at the age of 18.


A number of limitations of our study must be mentioned. These limitations also provide avenues for further research.

A major limitation is that only one university was selected. In future studies a number of different industries can be selected to improve generalizability.

Secondly, our study will use data obtained from students to a limited extent. Additional studies in this field should use student-based data to a greater extent than we will to achieve a deeper understanding of the processes that drive student reactions.

Thirdly, our study merely considers the moderating effects of the student orientation of ...
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