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Question No. 1: Discuss the two important functions of statistics.

Answer No. 1: Important Functions of Statistics


Comparison of data is the function of statistics from which we it can compare or correlate certain mathematical question like ratios, coefficients, averages etc. With reference to this, Boddingtons opined that the object of statistics is to allow comparison to be made between present and past results will a view to make certain the reasons for changes which have taken place and the effect of such transformation in the future (Borovskikh, 1986).

Simplification of Complex Facts

Another function of statistics is the data simplifying, the foremost purpose of the statistics is to simplify huge collection of numerical data. It is beyond the reach of human mind to recollect and remember the huge figures and facts. Statistical method makes it possible to understand the whole in the short span of time and in a better way (Kogan, 1988).

According to the various and different definitions of the word statistical analysis in dictionaries in general, one can say that statistics is a branch of applied mathematics whose principles derive from the theory of probability. Moreover, the statistic has for its object the study, as well as the grouping methodical series of facts or figures. In view of past studies statistics can be defined as a set of procedures used to gather, organize, interpret a set of numerical data, to draw conclusions or make predictions about a certain fact (Lynch & Panigirtzoglou, 2008). The statistic is not a contemporary concept, since from the ancient world; it is already possible to note evidence of its principles, which states that the territorial and population count was already done. According to past researchers, the average citizen thinks about statistics as columns of figures in the sports pages or sections economic newspaper, illustrated with graphs, stacks of coins or lines of people (Kurtz, 1969). However, the statistical highlights of today, not only compiles data tables and graphically illustrates, but it works in professional and scientific tasks more complex. Thus, among these tasks, a statistician, also plans experiments, interprets data obtained through observations and presents the results in order to facilitate decision making reasonable.

Another important concept is the statistical probability. In view of the past researchers, probability and statistics are closely related because formulate opposite types of issues. In probability, the operation of a process is known and whether to make predictions about future results of that process. In the statistics, the process works is unknown, but you can see your results and use information about these results, to know the nature of the process. The study of probability began historically with gambling, when interest was to know the chances of winning or losing a particular bet. Thus, in nature, the likelihood is busy studying random phenomena, associated with numerical values. The concepts and ideas about probability using random processes, which are often common sense knowledge, such as the move of a currency, data entry and extraction of a deck of ...
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