Statistical Analysis

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Shop Employees Recommend Samsung Galaxy to iPhone 4


Research Questions and Objectives3

Analysis of my Hypotheses3

Data Acquisition Method3


Hypothesis Testing3


Shop Employees Recommend Samsung Galaxy to iPhone 4


The study relates to shop employees recommend Samsung galaxy to iPhone 4, which is an important factor to study as it will help Samsung in making the marketing strategies effective so that the sales of the product that is Samsung Galaxy can be increased. The study will also contribute in getting attitudes or behaviours of students towards the concentration in a lesson and lateness of CULC 2nd year undergraduate students.

Research Questions and Objectives

The objective of the study to know which product is more recommended or used by the people. Moreover, the study also focuses on the effect of Samsung Galaxy on students' concentration and lateness of CULC 2nd year undergraduate students due to Samsungs smart phones and iPhone.

Analysis of my Hypotheses

My first hypothesis is focused on proportion of shop employees recommending Samsung Galaxy III is equal to or smaller than the proportion of shop employees recommending an iPhone 4. The study of this hypothesis will help in knowing which product is more popular.

Second hypothesis is focused on the concentration of students, which particularly aims to understand which mobile phone that is Samsung Galaxy or iPhone 4 serve as the factor of losing concentration in lesson.

Furthermore, third hypothesis is aimed to find out what is the cause of lateness among CULC 2nd year undergraduate students. Thus, Samsungs smart phones and iPhone are taken in to consideration so that the reason of students getting late can be known.

Data Acquisition Method

The method that is used in collecting data is based on random sampling, as through this technique, the participants of different segments of target population can be involved in the study.


The limitation of the study entails the sampling, as the sampling is a factor which affects the study results. For this study, sample size of 30 is taken, which may not give accurate results regarding the research phenomenon; however, if the large sample size is taken then the element of sampling error can be minimized or reduced.

Hypothesis Testing

HO 1: The proportion of shop employees recommending Samsung Galaxy III is equal to or smaller than the proportion of shop employees recommending an iPhone 4.

Proportion of shop employees recommending Samsung Galaxy III over iPhone 4

Observed N

Expected N


recommending Galaxy III




not recommending Galaxy III over IPhone 4



- 8.0



The table presented above shows that from total participants that are 23 respondents recommending Galaxy III. However, it is found that 7 respondents do not recommending Galaxy III over IPhone 4.

Test Statistics

Proportion of shop employees recommending Samsung Galaxy III over iPhone 4

Chi- Square

8.533 a



Asymp. Sig.


a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 15.0.

With reference to chi-square test, it is observed that the chi-square model is statistically significant, as significance level is below 0.05. Therefore, it can be said that the proportion of shop employees recommending Samsung Galaxy III is equal to or smaller than the proportion ...
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