Statistical Analysis

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Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis


This paper is related to the evaluation of the degree of satisfaction among the members of a coalition which is concerned to the way the coalition among the partners or the members is being managed. This study is quantitative study, for which a survey instrument is used to gather the data. A quantitative study is a study of attitudes, expectations or opinions made by questionnaire with a sample of the population studied and the numerical results which are then extrapolated to the entire population. Quantitative studies are often opposite to qualitative studies although in fact, the two techniques are often complementary. Quantitative studies are usually conducted with several individuals; however, in the case of the study of the evaluation of the degree of satisfaction among the members of a coalition, the questionnaire was sent to the twenty three members, twenty members responded.


The hypotheses of the study that is the evaluation of the degree of satisfaction among the members of a coalition regarding the way the coalition is being managed are mentioned below;

Ho 1: How comfortable the individuals are with the way decisions are reached in the coalition.

HA 1: How comfortable the individuals are with the way decisions are reached in the coalition.

Ho 2: The leadership empowers the people involved in the coalition.

HA 2: The leadership empowers the people involved in the coalition.

Ho 3: Coordinating communication among the partners is excellent.

HA 3: Coordinating communication among the partners is excellent.


Ho 1: How comfortable the individuals are with the way decisions are reached in the coalition.

Descriptive Statistics

How comfortable are you with the way decisions are reached in the coalition











1.00 a

Std. Deviation




a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown

The result of the descriptive statistics is presenting that the mean value of the variable that is used in analyzing the data. The most imperative and vital values of the given table that is means and the standard deviation of the variable is essential to study as these values are reflecting towards the accuracy of the data which has been gathered from the participants. Descriptive statistics is a branch of statistics dealing with the description of the statistical methods obtained during the survey. The purpose of the methods of descriptive statistics is to summarize a set of data and draw some basic conclusions and generalizations about the harvest. Descriptive statistics are used as the first and fundamental step in the analysis of the data collected. Techniques of descriptive statistics include the data are presented in tables (Day, 2005). For small sets of data tables can present all the data, otherwise it creates a different kind of summary, such as the frequency distribution. From the above table, it is observed that the standard deviation of the how comfortable the individuals are with the way decisions are reached in the coalition of the respondents is high that is 1.75 with the mean value of 3.15 that is a somewhat comfortable.

How comfortable are you with the way decisions are reached in the coalition



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Extremely ...
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