Statistical Analysis

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Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis


The study examines the relationship between the threat of unemployment and health and mental health including the effects on the families that are employed with Avondale Shipyard. Good physical and mental health is very important for employees for its proper functioning as the employee's productivity and efficiency declines when they are threatened, but they also start thinking about their unemployment instead of focusing on their work.


An individual's good health or happiness depends on various factors that include job market status, leisure, social relationships, job characteristics, income, security and many others. Unemployment is one of the most damaging experiences for a working-age individual. Lose a job or become unemployed, and odds are you are not in great health. People who have recently experienced instability in their job usually tend to be in worse health conditions than their stably employed counterparts. After the Great Depression in the year 1930, researchers and scientists have been regularly documenting that a person who currently lost a job or is out of work is exposed to a greater risk of ill-health. Some of these diseases include psychological distress, risk of mortality, chronic disease and poor overall health (Gallo, Bradley, Siegel, Kasl, 2000).

Employment is a fundamental component of social life. In conversation, we can ask the very vague question: what do you do? And it is implicitly understood that we are inquiring about someone's work. Employment is so crucial to people's place in the social world that it is taken as given in one of our most common conversation starters. This was of course not lost on our most influential stratification theorists who assumed employment to be central to defining stratification orders. Marx's division between capitalists and proletariat, for instance, is crucially linked to work and employment. Weber's notions of class and status can also be tied to work and employment. In short, employment is a powerful determinant of a person's place within the social world, and it is not a stretch to imagine that its disruption in the form of job loss or unemployment could harm health. But, health and biological well being are also powerful determinants of individual lives. The saying "at least you have your health" points to how crucial health is to normal functioning and participation in social life. Along these lines, it seems equally likely that poor health could make it difficult for a person to land a stable job, hold on to that job, and possibly find a new job if that one is lost (Jahoda, Lazarsfeld & Zeisel, 2001).

If employer threatens employees for terminating their jobs, they would severely affected mentally and it would not produce good results for the company. Employment and health are two significant determinants of how people live and they appear to come together in an important way in the case of job loss and unemployment. For some people, an involuntary job loss will mean a prolonged period of time spent out of ...
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