Statistic Analysis

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Statistic Analysis

Statistic Analysis

Question 1

Describe the type of data seen in this file, using the information from the chart on page 163 in your Provost text. What is the numerator and what is the denominator for the measurement of medications errors with harm?


For the measurement of medications errors with harm, the numerator will be “medications errors causing harm” and the denominator will be medication errors.

Based on the type of data seen here, what is the appropriate statistical control chart to be constructed?


The statistical control chart which is appropriate for the analysis of the data is the X-Bar chart.

Construct the appropriate statistical control chart using all the data.


Explain what you are seeing on the chart in regards to the medication errors with harm - discuss the variation seen in this chart along with the rules used to identify whether this is a common cause or special cause variation.


From the above control chart, it is observed that there is too much variation in the data pertaining to errors resulting in harm and total medication errors. The reason of such is that the extreme fluctuations has observed in the average trend line.

To assist with your interpretation of the impact of the improvement strategies, you want to examine the data separately for the pre-intervention (Phase 1) and post-intervention (Phase 2) periods. Construct two control charts, the first chart representing the pre-intervention period and the second chart representing the post-intervention period. The charts do not need to be lined up side-by-side but please ensure the units are the same on each chart to make them comparable and also that the charts are clearly labeled as pre and post-intervention. Interpret what you are seeing in the two charts in regards to variation and also the impact of the intervention.


The above control chart is indicating that there is too much fluctuation in total medication errors over time, as from June 2005 to July 2007. The variation has noticed on the basis of fluctuation of high values.

The above control chart relates to errors resulting in harm and times period that data; in this view, it is observed that there is too much variation which is showing that, medication error has been fluctuating over the time period.

Question 2

You have been collecting data on the fall rates in the medical units in your hospital as there have been reports of a high number of falls. Here are the data for the number of falls for June 2012 on the 3 medical units:

Unit A: 3 falls, 25 beds, average daily census 85% capacity

Unit B: 3 falls, 20 beds, average daily census 100% capacity

Unit C: 4 falls, 36 beds, average daily census 75% capacity

Compare the number of falls on the 3 units, standardizing to rate of falls per 1000 patient days. Assume 30 days per month. Please show your calculations.



Errors Resulting in Harm

Total Medication Errors

Errors Resulting in Harm

Pearson Correlation ...