Starting A Business Online

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Starting a business online

Starting a business online


Advantages of E-commerce

When we take our business to online then there would be many advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of e-commerce are when we r doing business by e-commerce is very costing effective. It reduces your cost and you can earn more money. For example if you are paying for the transaction to the commercial bank about 0.50$ but over the internet the same transaction cost about 0.01$, the transaction becomes more cost-effective. There is low operational cost and better quality of service. If you are doing e-business then there will be no need of physical company setup to do business. E-business is very easy to start and manage the company. Customers do not need to go on different shops physically. E-business improves knowledge about the market and information sharing between customers and the sellers. It promotes just-in-time deliveries to the customer. E-business helps the customers to comparison between other's products very quickly. E-commerce means higher margin because you are paying less and getting higher profits.

Disadvantages of e-commerce

Security is the main problem of e-business. Customers need security in order to pay for the product before purchasing anything. Integrity of the system and data protection is also a big issue of e-business. E-commerce is not free; you have to pay a higher amount in order to keep your product over there. There is always a customer relation problem in e-business because you cannot communicate to the customers directly. Sometimes availability of the product is less. If a customer needs a product, sometimes there is an availability problem. There is always high risk of internet start up. There is no guarantee of product quality and there is always a risk of hackers who always look for the opportunity. The shipping cost is very high for delivering the product to the customer. There are too many competitors over there and it would cause a difficulty to sell the product efficiently.

Internet connects computers all over the world

Any business that engages in e-Commerce suddenly becomes a global business. Amazon is the business which engages in e-commerce and becomes an international business.

Key issues in international commerce

There are many key issues that a company facing when it conducts international e-commerce. Trust and confidence in relation is the issues of electronic commerce. First of all, what is trust? You can describe it as a belief that the object. We trust, will always a way ...
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