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Question 1

The coffee retail named Star bucks is the number one coffee retailer in the world. Star bucks have its operation in number of countries around the world, having about 9000 coffee outlets in different countries of the world. However, it is said that the star buck's future is quite bright concerning the expansion in other parts of the world. However there are many different strategies that star bucks is opting, one of which is co-ops of the restaurants. The idea of the coffee retailing came from the three men from Seattle, in the year 1971.

Start is not termed as any ordinary coffee shop, but the strategy has built maintaining the focus on the quality human resource. According to the CEO of Star buck's, he said that he has a firm believe on hiring the people who are exceptional in their willingness for work, for the better outputs (Starbucks Annual Report, 2007). This is the commitment, which shows the exact strategy of Star bucks. They actually wanted to create the type of social environment where people sit, experience and built the human experience which also helps and augment in making better relations with people. Star bucks have their vision very clearly defined, that they wanted to make it the best place and the most favourite place for coffee. They have their commitment in order to achieve the customer satisfaction through their employee satisfaction.

External (Macro) Environment of Starbucks Filter Coffee

The key performanc eindicators, of the planning that are done in the staregy planning is the capability to make teh benchmark the economic environment, that actuyally augments the percentage of the revenuses, and finally increses the buisiness and the size of the market. However, dur to the concumption of coffee, and teh fact that the consumption of coffee is habitual, thus the outcome in demand of the coffee is inelastic. However hor instance, star bucks increases their prices on the slight edge, it would not disturb the demand for coffee, however, growth can be seen in the future, having the fact of increading prices. However with the increasing productivity, and the technological advancement, it is alos predictable to have a bump in the performance of the Star bucks. However they are consistently making processes and researches to make their mahcines updated with the advancement in the technology in order to expand the business along with the imaginative ready-to-drink beverages, and offering new packged coffees as well in the near future. However the main aim of Star bucks is to create the strong brand and be in the top of mind of the customer of having the best coffee and the environment in town, however Starbucks is alos being doing great in this regard and been successful for last many years, having the prime locations, great market share, and also for having the best coffee in town. This has also be done with the help of the retailers in order to create its reputaion and brand ...
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