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The business world has turned into a global village in the current scenario, due to various dynamics. Every organization in the world focuses on expanding its business processes. The expansion is aimed to increase the sales of the company and add to the global existence of the organization. Many of the corporate giants have been investing millions for the purpose of market expansion, and have no doubt also succeeded with their strategies. Starbucks is a reputable and largest coffee brand in the world, with its headquarters in the United States of America. The brand is well known for its innovative strategy and has high global existence. Recently, Starbucks has established an international expansion strategy, mainly focused on expanding its existence in China. China, being the most emerging economies in the world is the center of interest for everyone. The international expansions strategy of Starbucks to penetrate in China is one of the most effective and efficient strategies. The strategic leadership of the brands has a major role in taking the brand to this level. There were various resources and competencies that assisted the brand in succeeding with this strategy in these regions. The expectations are high and considering the scenario, the expansion strategy in China, and further on to more countries where there is room for penetration, can come up as a potential point for Starbucks.


Starbucks Corporation is a brand serving the coffee industry with coffee houses all over the globe. Starbucks is a coffee company with its headquarters in Washington, United States of America. It is the largest coffee brands across the world with more than 20000 coffee houses operating in around 62 countries. The majority of its coffee houses are in the United States of America and Canada. The brand mainly deals with hot and cold coffee, and various other types of coffees. The brands deals with a huge range of beverages related to coffee. The brand has a huge consumer base with great global attraction. The success of this brand has made it of a great interest for the investors across the globe, which can be reflected from the joint ventures Starbucks in different countries. The firm is well known for its capability to effectively expand in the global market. Starbucks is primarily known for selling coffee, but also sells other hot and cold beverages, pastries, sandwiches and other snacks (Loeb, 2013, pp. n.d.). Starbucks has gained great significance when it comes to the concept of innovation. The firm is also involved in the ethical and community responsibilities. The brand is something more like a business paradox or corporate paradox (Mooney, 2007, pp. 110).

The brand is an international corporate giant and is highly growing with time, particularly through the existence of the coffee houses across the globe and new packaged products in the grocery industry. Apart this, on the other side the brands is able to bring in risky ideas rapidly, methodically, and sometimes distinctively. The owner of the bran Howard Schultz is of a ...
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