Stanley Australia

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Stanley Australia

Stanley Australia


Stanley Austrialia made strategic level changes in their global operations. They were a huge manufacturing company but they realized that some of their manufacturing plants and some products are not worth continuing. They realigned their strategic direction. Initiated changes in the organizational structure, processes, people and technological areas. Stanley Australia shall continuously monitor the main components of environmental systems and draw conclusions about their needs change (Homburg, Klarmann & Staritz, 2012; Iverson & Zatzick, 2011). Usually among these components produce economic (e.g., globalization of the market or its regional differentiation), technological (the rapid spread of new technologies), the political-legal (legislative changes), socio-cultural (demographic shifts, changes in the value system) and physical and environmental (climatic conditions, the load on the ecosystem) (Dwyer & Arbelo, 2012; Ambrose & Chiravuri, 2010).

Discussion & Analysis

As Stanley Australia faced the need to change greatly affected the production and staffing options.

Part A:Change at Global and Organizational Level

The company The first category includes the strategic business area, organization and course of the production process, corporate culture, used equipment, property relations (Love & Nohria, 2005; Wolff, 2012). Among the staff the most important parameters are such as psychological ability to change the perception of members of Stanley Australia, personal ambitions and professional development opportunities, the willingness to cooperate. Typically, the impetus for change is crises. From an economic point of view of crises should be distinguished by the way in which areas they represent a danger to the achievement of Stanley Australia objectives (Demps & Baker, 2011; Van Dierendonck & Jacobs, 2012). Therefore, urgent measures are needed, otherwise Stanley Australia will be forced to withdraw from the market (for example, as a result of its sale by auction or other liquidation procedures) (Renard & Tracy, 2011; Coucke, Pennings & Sleuwaegen, 2007).

Types of Changes at Stanley Australia

Stanley Australia underwent a major strategic change. It was previously a a full fledge manufacturing company having multiple plants with numerous product lines. It decided that some plants operations are not viable to operate which it closed down.. It also evaluated its strategic direction and initiated structural, process, people and technological changes to ensure that they are inline with its new strategic direction.

The crisis of success is characterized by a clear negative deviation of the actual status of the plan (eg, in terms of sales, cash flows, earnings, profitability, costs, etc.) (Love & Kraatz, 2009; Muñoz-Bullón & Sánchez-Bueno, 2011). The causes of this crisis may be errors in market research, production, investment, human resources policy. Less visible and less direct a strategic crisis. Although the position of Stanley Australia at the moment (success situation) may seem quite satisfactory, it should be offensive to diagnose if there are failures in the development of Stanley Australia, reduced the potential for success, diminish the protective features of the competition (Gandolfi, 2009; Battilana & Casciaro, 2012). The emerging gap between probable and desirable outcomes can be eliminated only by changing the old or the adoption of a new orientation ...
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