Standardized Tests

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Standardized Tests

Standardized Tests


Among the processes that lead to achieving the quality standards defined as required within higher education institutions, stands out for its particular importance, evaluation of teaching-learning process (EA), which, despite being pre-configured within the formal curriculum proposal, the truth is that it can be explained from the multiple experiences taking place within the educational act, which conforms itself daily by the amalgamation of situations that confront students and teachers, within a space that is common and shared under predetermined rules of coexistence psychological and social (political, economic and cultural). Thus the teacher-student pairing identify and clarify their roles within and outside the classroom, serving on the one hand the demands of an institutionalized education, but in parallel, forming an alternative scenario whose structure is built in response to power relations, negotiation and shock, which give life to teaching practices. That is why diagnosis about what happens in the spaces academics, particularly in the classroom, Implies the seal of the complexity is more precise, and an educational approach to intimacy, understanding it as an expression of lived curriculum and the action (American Educational Research Association, 2009).

Based on the foregoing, the following describes the elements that should be taken into has to address the need to achieve an evaluation that aspires to have a wide margin credibility, which leads the manager or evaluator to better and greater understanding and involvement in educational reality, and thus the acceptance of quality as a common good and desirable.


Any evaluation, regardless of the level and depth with which they perform, has behind it a vision particular educational, epistemological stance about knowledge, teaching and learning but also a definition of society, man, family and education purposes should have. Is why before starting a process that leads to trying to explain what happens in the educational activity is define as clearly as possible, the conceptual approach under which the situations are emerging problems, and from that, how the methodological approach will be built, how it will be analyzed and discussed the results and above all, how are structured the conclusions and recommendations (Young, 2001).

No act of education is exempt from some degree of intent, of a dominant ideology, it permeates and defines the itinerary to be followed in the action, the recognition of this fact alone defines the need to explain, supported by sound theoretical frameworks, the how, where, when, but mostly why do some form of assessment. Circumvent this principle can lead to a complex but useless academic exercise, which cannot be understood but as the product of inexperience and / or ignorance of what is planned.

That is why an attempt to give coherence to the approach under which one can be addressed evaluation, and then sets some of the strategies to follow, in order to locate conceptually the phenomenon, taking position on what will be the approach strategy. Intends to make:

1. The analysis of the institutional mission and ...
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