Standardized Education Of Language

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Standardized Education of Language

Standardized Education of Language

The framework of education standard of language arts in Texas divides the subject in to four basic parts. These parts include speaking, writing, listening and reading. In order to pass this language program, the students have to show good results in all the four departments. The state of Texas is very focused on this framework and has followed it throughout the years. The framework of education of language within the region of Texas is very clear on the importance of the development of this skill as well as the usage and application of this skill.


In accordance with the framework of education provided, we expect all the students to be able to achieve the set standards. This is because of the reason that there are numerous approaches which would aid significantly in the development of the student. In addition to that, the tests which are conducted in order to inquire the progress of the students are detailed and explicit, which would be perfect for the evaluation of the student's progress (Texas Education Agency., & Texas. 1987).

Academic intervention for the students, who are failing in the program, includes resolving the dispute at its core. The results of the tests of the failing students are analyzed thoroughly and their mistakes are highlighted. In addition to that, the highlighted mistakes are then further studied and the area, which has been the problem for the student is highlighted. It is important to note that the failed students are asked to reappear for the program and take additional classes, which would focus on these particular problem areas.

Standardized education always has a lot of positive effects on the students. Firstly, they are required to follow a pattern or a curriculum. Since this is the standard pattern, every student has to study the same and thus no one is left out on any of the skills that are taught in the program. In addition to that, the students get to know in the initial stages of the program of what to expect and what is expected of them throughout the course. Standardized education also tends to facilitate the notion of time management and every topic and area is covered in the allotted time (Alpert, R. T., Gorth, W. P., & Allan, R. G. 1989). Thus, the students do not face the difficulty of a change in the course or of whether their course would be completed on time or not.


According to the literature, the teacher is required to facilitate the notion of learning and assessment within the students throughout the course. In addition to that, the teachers should be made aware that their primary responsibility is to facilitate the student experiencing by solving its issues and problems. If a teacher is unable to align itself with the process of teaching-learning-assessment, feedbacks and other modes of communication are made use of with the teacher in order to get it aligned with the set process.

Teachers are provided with training, which teaches ...
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