Standardization vs. Adaptation

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The Standardization vs. Adaptation Debate

The Standardization vs. Adaptation Debate


In the twentieth century began the era of globalization. Era is characterized by several global permanent characteristics, and so fewer and fewer people working in the business environment, and more and more in services. Trade plays an increasingly important role in the creation of national product, capital flows, the value of trade in goods, the greater part of absorb investment research and development, higher and higher amounts are spent on information technology has created several large, economic groups. Many factors push the enterprise state throughout the world toward globalization, understood as the expansion of to foreign markets. These are all the standards according to which the measures today modernity activities undertaken by organizations in the local area, and located in the global era (Katsikeas,, 2000, pp. 185-202). These impressions supplement facts showing the results of operations many well-known international companies, where only a small part of the turnover is the revenue for the native market.

Literature Review

International markets as a Challenge to the Theory and Practice

Same marketing strategies depends on the orientation of international companies, as well as a set of operations associated with the creation of the marketing mix elements, in varying scope to converge or adapt (Vrontis, 2009, pp. 14-19). The degree of standardization or adaptation activities abroad to local conditions has a direct relationship with analogies characteristics of the environment on the national markets concerned that determine economic activity and forecasts of trends and changes in these conditions.

To keep consumers, foreign companies are looking for ways to make their products more accessible and psychologically close the Russians. It is expressed primarily in finding ways to reduce the price of the product by cheapening its cost by switching to local raw materials. There are several aspects of adaptation, each of which must be such i.e. achieving maximum efficiency.

Legal adaptation associated with the legislative requirements for advertising practices. For example, in France banned television advertising of alcohol, prescription medicines, movies and book publications (Vrontis, 2009, pp. 14-19). In many European countries is prohibited comparative advertising. Economic adjustment associated with the features and level of economic development of society.

Cultural adaptation is due to the fact that the image of the product consists of three components: the utilitarian (technical characteristics and properties), shaped ("mythical" or perceived value) and symbolic (social value, association, stereotypes). Transferring advertising campaign from one country to another - from a different culture - suggests the need for product positioning in advertising with all three components, which depend on the characteristics of processes waiting consumption, figurative and symbolic representation of the product, etc (Cavusgil,, 1993, pp. 479-506). There are many criteria for comparing cultures: the degree of commitment, as opposed to the tradition of secularism, the degree of confidence in the clear and literal information (so-called cultures) against the implied and non-verbal information (cultures) and the extent to which culture focused on individuality, interdependence or affinity (Levitt, 1983, ...
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