Stalking And Intimate Partner Femicide

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Stalking and Intimate Partner Femicide


This research paper gives a broad overview of the existing research on stalking and intimate partner femicide. This research has a significant part in dealing with the stalking. This study also describes the extent and forms of the stalking and threatening behaviors that occurs within the year before the actual and attempted partner femicide. Study also describes the behaviors that are associated with the increase in the risks of actual and perspective lethality. The design of the study was based on the case control study of the ten cities. This study includes 820 women among which 380 were abused victims and 440 women were actual and attempted femicide informers. The data was collected by using inventory of the sixteen items. Only one employment demographic variable was used to find out the major behavior of the perpetrator related to the actual and attempted femicide of the intimate partner. Women who are followed and spied by the perpetrator are more at risk of becoming victims of actual and attempted femicide. It has been observed from the survey that females who are stalked by the former husband or living partners are also physically battered by the similar partner. In an intimate relationship with the victim, stalkers can be more aggressive. It has been confirmed from the study that there is a strong link between the scheming actions and the stalking. Similarly, women battered by the intimate partners have also control on their behaviors and emotional abusiveness.

Table of contents



Intimate partner battering and stalking4

Understanding Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Femicide5


Literature review7

Review of the research on the risk factors related to the intimate partner femicide8


Purpose of the study9

Study design9


Investigative Techniques10


Data Collection method for Femicide Victims11

Data Collection method for Attempted Femicide Victims12

Data Collection method for Control Groups12



Threatening behaviors and stalking inventory13


Physical health effects of intimate partner femicide14

Mental-health effects of intimate partner femicide15

Attempted Intimate Femicide and Stalking previous concrete16


Stalking and physical abuse18





Stalking and Intimate Partner Femicide


Stalking is a frequent occurrence of physical and visual behavior, threats, and nonconsensual communication. It is the behavior, which is repetitive and not needed by the injured party. It may be seemed as ordinary or normal; but when it is repeated, it can be threatening, alarming and distressful for the victim. Stalking behavior includes continuous unnecessary contact like become visible at victims home, telephone calls, workplace, letters, text messages, emails, notes, contact on social networking websites and faxes, watching, hang around or following the victim, sending gifts and unwanted letters, damaging victims property, robbery, getting information about the others, harassment, threats to kill and harm, sexual and physical attack or beating. There is a high violence risk if someone is stalked by intimate or sexual relationship. It is sometimes related to the long-term relationships including husbands. Stalking is a crime (Protectionagainststalking, 2012).

According to the definition, the survey on the telephone of the 5000 men and women of the United States shows that around 0.4% of the men and the 1% of the women has suffered stalking during a ...