Stakeholder Analysis

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Bitish Airways and Its Stakeholders

Harry R. DePollar

Strayer University

Professor: Joseph Pettiford

Bus. 475 Business Societies

May27, 2013

Stakeholder's Analysis

Company Overview

British Airways is one of the oldest airlines globally and is known as one of the most reputable organization in the world. It was initiated in 1974 and is considered the official airline in UK. The UK government is the owner of this airline but private firms run British Airways. This airline is also known as BA. Four airlines merged together and this merger led to BA. At that time, there were only few prestigious airlines and BA was considered one of them. There are more than 239 aircrafts in BA and more than 300 destinations. There are more than 42,000 employees in BA. BA is organized as a public limited company and company is listed at London stock exchange. Heathrow airport and Gatwick airports located in London is the headquarters of BA and it also serves as a member of the Star Alliance. For 2010, the company's total, revenue was nearly £8,000 million.

Mission and Vision

An organization's mission aims to elaborate how an organization is going to function societal, in terms of the products and services that it is going to deliver to its customers. The presented definition spotlights this fact that the mission statement is of highest importance for an organization. A good mission statement can create through good organization' image and it allows customers to find out what services they are going to offer and how they are going to deliver to them. An organization's mission may consist of one single sentence, but it should have the power to create a good image in the reader's mind. The uniqueness of the brand should be present in the mission and an effective mission statement can enhance its competitive edge (Angwin, 2011). BA has mostly focused on the notion that passengers will have a safe flight and they will be provided by top quality services that they cannot find in any other airlines. BA communicated this in its mission statement that they have the responsibility to take care of each and every passenger. BA's mission statement emphasizes that it has the responsibility of assuring the safety of the customers. It is the top priority of this airline and all customers are safe in air and on the ground while its care. Customers can feel confidents flying on BA. BA has maintained its propagation of assuring safety which can be indicated with the fact as there are few numbers of accidents in its history. There are always new fleets and new technology is incorporated to these fleets.

Acceptable standards within the organization can be defined through its values. An organization's values show how an individual within the organization should behave. Organizational values are of great importance because they are guidelines individuals need to know to show to act within an organization. Values largely contribute to organizational achievement. The values of British Airways consist of honesty, reliability, punctuality, and good service.

Primary and Secondary Stakeholder

Key stakeholders of British ...
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