Stages Of Identity Development

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Stages of Identity Development

Stages of Identity Development

A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree offers nursing professionals with credentials that are similar to physicians, clinical psychologists and dentists. DNP programs usually require students study 3-4 years after completing his bachelor's degree nursing program. During this time, nurses learn how to diagnosis and management of the patient's clinical condition. In addition, consideration will be held for state certification.

Career of being a nurse holds many roles and responsibilities. As a nurse one has to work closely with the physician and be an essential part of the healthcare team. It's a nurse that administers the entire doctor's prescriptions on an on-going basis; perform treatments and examines them; and supports the patients with care through the period of recovery and therapies. The paper discusses my own thoughts and experiences in the context of Roberts' three stages of development; unexamined acceptance, awareness and connection (Manthey, 2008).

Unexamined Acceptance

The prospect of oppression has been used as a conceptual framework for the study and understanding of multiple processes, phenomena and practices in the context of nursing. It has been used to account for power relationships that occur daily in educational settings where nursing is taught and learned to explain the hegemony of the biomedical model in health education or to reveal the mechanisms by which the nurse maintains a status of submission with regard to medical care. Many nurses have internalized the negative view of them have the groups that hold power in the health system (Andrist et al, 2006). There are places where the nurse is a minion of the physician. I have seen doctors yelling and scolding nurses, as if they were their slaves. The behaviors of nurses are dialectically influenced by social structures and institutions where nursing is taught, learned and practiced. Nurses are often subject ...
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