Staffing Plan

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Staffing Plan

Staffing Plan


Human capital is the most valuable resource of any institution, organization or business. Talented and skilled employees can considerably increase the financial stability of any company. The best way to progress is to employ and retain the brightest employees in the required fields. There are several difficulties in hiring the best people available in the market; therefore, different strategies have to be considered while recruiting, selecting and onboarding. I will discuss some of the procedures, which will be helpful in making the recruiting, selecting and onboarding process more viable and reproductive. The various perspectives regarding the recruitment of engineers will be analyzed, focusing on efficient decision making.


As the global markets are expected to face a workforce shortage, the human resource department faces a lot of challenges in recruiting new employees. According to recent surveys, companies will face a shortage of skilled labor, and it is expected that there will be a shortage of 1 million employees by 2018 (Britnell et al., 2006). Keeping in view these developments; more aggressive techniques should be applied to attract good talent.

The first step in recruiting engineers for a company is to target the required audience. Identification of efficient ways to advertise and attract potential candidates is critical in a hiring process. If fresh graduates are required, we can approach the candidates directly by conducting tests and interviews in the universities of the area. The presentation of the company and the advertisement techniques play a vital role in the recruiting process (Weyland, 2011). Vacancies will be advertised on a website as it has a broad audience, and this technique is efficient and financially viable. In the advertisement, the positive aspects of the working environment, and the perks of working in the company will be highlighted.

Participating in a job fair will give the company an opportunity to target only the required audience. As the company requires engineers, a job fair will provide the opportunity to interact with potential candidates who have an engineering background. Job fair is also an efficient way to project a positive image of the company, and show its presence in the market.

The most significant hurdle in recruiting is the identification of potential employees, who fit the culture and environment of the organization (Weyland, 2011). Most of the employees leave their jobs as they do not feel culturally fit, although their skills match the job criteria. In this circumstance, knowledge and expertise of the employee is no longer useful. Big companies strengthen their brand culture to attract better talent. Amazon continues to improve its brand culture by relevant acquisition. During the past years, Amazon has acquired Zappos and Lovefilm, which provides increased emphasis on the customers.

The best way to counter this problem is to mold the hiring process in such a way that recruits candidates, who feel comfortable working in the present environment. To achieve this goal, shortlisted candidates will be advised about the working environment and the culture before hiring ...
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