Staffing Organization

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Staffing Organization

Staffing Organizations


The aim of this paper is to perform the most important function of the human resource department that is staffing that includes all the steps from recruiting to the selection. The hiring is to be done for the Coffee shop next to the college in the Washington DC city. The coffee shop required around 3 store managers, and 10 serving staff. It is the requirement from the bank to provide legal document in order to approve the loan they have taken for the coffee shop.

The coffee shop will be growing that can be attributed to the high popularity, which is a result of the excellent services provided to the people. The organization needs to hire the people, who are experts in their field, and the policy that can work for them is to hire some permanent employees and others as part-time employees. The challenge is to find and employ people with skills, knowledge and experience which match those required by the organization, and whose future performance will be conducive to the good of the organization (Dessler, Teicher, 2004).

The process of Recruitment

At present the staff selection techniques have to be more subjective and more refined: determining the requirements of human resources, increasing the effective sources to enable qualified candidates cleave to evaluating the physical and mental potential applicants and his ability to work him, using a variety of techniques, including interviews, psychometric tests and medical examinations etc. (Cooper et al, 2005). A right person is usually the one with experience, attitude and training for each particular job, is also an honest employee ethical conduct (Wood, Payne, 1998).

Job Profile

Are the requirements to be met by people, to fill the jobs efficiently, it can be said that the vacancy is a missing piece in a machine. Replacement and the newly created position is notified through a requisition to the recruitment department or the department responsible for these functions, stating the reasons that are causing, the date on which the job must be covered, the time for which is going to hire, department, hours and salary. To define the profile can develop job profiles consisting of a graphical representation of the requirements or characteristics of a job, pointing qualitatively and quantitatively. (Torrington, 2011)


Recruitment: Joint efforts of the organization to attract, invite the most qualified staff with greater opportunities for integration. This must be fast and quick response. (Mireille, 2001)

The tools used are:

• Mass Media

• Employment

• Employment Agencies

• Internet (websites, e-mail)

• Family or recommended


This process is not only to accept or reject candidates if not knowing their skills and talents in order to place it in the post more to its characteristics. On the basis that everyone can work. (Jonathan, 2009)

Employee Relationship

The management will establish full time permanent relationship with the employees. The staffing process of for the coffee shop will be designed in such a manner that it will include identifying and assessing their aptitudes, skills and capabilities. Form a legal perspective, employees will be entitled for a fair compensation, ...
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