Staffing Organization

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Staffing Organization

Staffing Organization


Staffing is one of the main and crucial functions in an organization and must be integrated with the organizational vision, mission, objectives and goals. It involves recruitment planning and strategy development, searching communication message and medium, applicant reactions, transition to selection and legal issues.


Recruitment Plan and Strategy for Coffee Shop

The human resource will establish a process cycle of recruitment and staffing. The recruitment plan will motivate store managers to play a vital role in employing new employees because the managers are closer to the staffs. However, Human resource is responsible for the function of recruitment of managers and other staff. While hiring store managers from customer attraction, the human resources will understand the great realities of the market and this will help target, identify and nurture talent in the organization. It will also help the human resources to guide and integrate people in the coffee shop and also assist the human resource to develop strategies and methods to retain high performers and achieve the objective of the organization to reward its employees. This plan will offer a referral bonus of $ 200 to employees who bring a new employee successfully (Flynn, McCombs & Elloy, 1990).

The basic philosophy of coffee shop in recruiting and interviewing is to employ for “best fit” and not for “best qualified.” To do so, the company will make use of selection tools such as a background check, resume (for management positions), references, application and interview in staffing and recruiting plan. The coffee shop will depend largely on the resume. In case, if resume does not meet the minimum requirements of the company, the applicant shall not pass to the next stages of the selection process.

Interview will be used to acknowledge the application and to gather relevant and additional information on the candidate. Indeed, the interview is also a tool to be used for comparing the qualifications of candidates and to evaluate whether the candidate meets the minimum job requirement.

Reference check is an essential to the employing decision. Negative reference description may result in disqualification the candidate for a job in the coffee shop. The company must do background checks. On the other hand, dissenting report does not necessarily disqualify candidates based on the job. Coffee shop will take its final decision at the selection tools completion described above. This recruitment decision is depended on the combination of all the selection tools. In addition, the Human Resource Generalist with the department head's recommendations takes the hiring decision (Bobko & Potosky, 2011).

Communication Message to Attract Applicants

A candidate attraction planning is based on a marketing orientation where talented job candidates are deemed talented customers, as well as job applications are regard as products.

The astonishing resemblance between a marketing strategy and applicant attraction strategy planning put forward the process of applicant attraction planning can advantage from a marketing orientation, especially as increases in the staff create rising competition for qualified applicants.

In particular, coffee shop has relied on various marketing concepts and has been applied ...
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