Staff Wellbeing Report

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Staff Wellbeing Report

Staff Wellbeing Report


Staff well is one of the essential factors at the centres providing child care services. As a matter of fact, there are several factors that have due influence over the well being of staff. These factors are, however, of diversified nature ranging from the relationship between staff to the nature of conditions provided and the respectful partnership between them (Cotton & Hart, 2003). All in all, the well of staff does help to create the future course of direction. The role of educators in this particular domain is pivotal since they the one who not only share the good times, but also on the forefront to weather the consequences of bad happenings. The prime objective of this report is to shed light over the subject, i.e. the factors that affect the staff wellbeing and proposed remedies to solve the burning issue.


Unlike many other researchers Donatelle (2006) takes a different path in describing or addressing the issue of staff well being. For example, these adventurous methods link the spiritual wellness with a belief in the Supreme Being and other feelings pertaining to the situation. This however is bit different from the conventional method which creates a bridge between the natural environment and the almighty.

As a matter of fact, there are dimensions pertaining to health, which are, physical, intellectual, social, emotional, environmental and spiritual (Donatelle, 2006). All of these dimensions is characterized as the essential elements in materializing the routine activities and other related factors of physical well being of people in general and staff in particular. In addition to that, Donatelle (2006) further depicts the requirement of being able to think vividly, backed by real reasons and to analyse the given situations with utmost consideration, given that, with a sane behaviour.

All of the above six dimensions of wellbeing by Donatelle (2006) is the guiding principles for the well being team. Physical well being includes the sound body. Better physical health is achieved either by making physical workouts or by joining a local community physical health club, yet it is one of the significant factors for the staff well being. Social health, in terms of staff well being for early childhood education centre, includes the social dimensions of health. For example, one has to be able to adopt as well as to act adequately in a social environment where the interaction between the child and parents is the subject of routine.

Donatelle (2006), refers emotional health as the “ability to express emotions when they are relevant, controlling them when they are not, and avoiding expressing them inappropriately”. Employee's capacity of emotions health is achieved from their cultivation of discussion within the familial environment, this, however, elevates the emotional health. Mental or intellectual health can better be termed as “expanding minds”. This, however, means try to learn something together, simultaneously and with proper liberty.

Environmental health inculcates the overall surrounding in which a particular employee works. However, in terms of those employed at early childhood education centres, ...
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