Spouse Killings

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Spouse Killings

Spouse Killings


This article has been taken from the research of DeaAnn K. Gauthier and William B. Bankston. The title of this article is “Who Kills Whom” Revisited. This article deals with the unusually high ratio of women to men who murder household partners in the U.S. Using a hypothetical viewpoint, conceptualizing violent behavior between people as a form of self-help communal power and as relating an outline of sex explicit motivations, the writers developed a descriptive model of variance in the rates of women and men killing their partners. Domestic violence is violence between the couple. It is an evolutionary process in which a partner engages, as part of a privileged relationship, domination expressed through physical aggression, psychological, sexual, economic or spiritual nature. Domestic violence has serious consequences for victims and for their children.


Violence against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic- Diale killing, torture and maiming, physical- ment, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is a violation human rights the most common, which deprives women and girls equality, safety, dignity, self-esteem, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms mental. Violence against women is pre- present in all countries, irrespective of culture, class, education, income, ethnicity or age. Although most companies prohibit violence against women, in reality human rights violations Human women are often allowed under the guise of standards and practices cultural, or through interpretation erroneous religious doctrines. In addition, when violations occur within the walls the house, which is very often the case, they are tacitly tolerated by the fact silence and passivity shown by the State and the system of law enforcement. The global dimensions of this violent violence are alarming, as underlined studies on the incidence and prevalence of thereof. No society can claim to be free, the difference is ...
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