Sports Stadiums In The Community

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Sports stadiums in the community

Sports stadiums in the community

What is the social value of sport?

Core sports in the community lies in the participation does not try to win also underlines specialists, and that the money spent on sport in general intended to benefit a certain class of society does not it? (Hums, M. A., & MacLean, J. C. 2008) The real interest of the sport lies in keeping the community safe from a health perspective, but the real gain for the community is involved, everyone earner in the end. Sports and essential means to maintain health and fitness and get rid of tension and depression, studies of modern stresses that an individual who has a health and fitness spend less money on his medical needs, which is available between those who practice individual sports is competitive, with less need for individual skills and the proportion of injuries significantly.


The organization of sports programs collectively must start from a young age, especially in schools, not a requirement that students practiced competitive sports known, but must get them used to the practice of sports gain physical fitness, and do not require a great deal of skills or the financial costs, as the young people representing the Nation optimal for the dissemination of sports participation that do not require special skills. (Larson, R. W., Hansen, D. M., and Moneta, G. 2006) Such an approach is compatible with the pattern of sports programs in our schools at the present time, which is based on the principle of winning and losing does not participate in order to develop exercise habits and health-related physical fitness of individual. I usually ignore the physical education teacher of students from non-skilled, and they are the majority, and keep them away from participation, and that arise as a result of generations of young women lack the physical fitness because the basis of our school sport based on the principle inappropriate. Sports in general help to build personal, social and strong individual and collective spirit, develop, and consolidate to a desire to cooperate, when based on the principle of participation, not competition and winning. The increase in interest in sport professional and exchange of material it often produced a pattern of satiety sports on the weekends, both in the stadiums or on TV screens, multiple, and the business exploitation of the television broadcast to promote their goods and their goods, while the heads of families sitting in the follow-up to this television and neglecting their duty towards their children in the exercise of the right sport at the end of the week, which is considered socially oriented social specialists negative, that means the sport is professional, citing less television, and an increase in participation in different types of amateur sports. (Coakley, J. 1989)

The sport of "science" is active with respect to intellectual creations and technical sports, Mathematical active has the ability to creativity mathematical ideas renewed, but that creativity is often outside the scope of formal regulation ...
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