Sports Psychology

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Sports Psychology

Sports Psychology


Sports are for the greater part of this century, demonstrating the outstanding athletes the world. Sports psychology has been in place for the greater part of this century in an attempt to improve athletic performance. Recently, it was heralded as a productivity revolution (Barr & Hall 2002).

Question 1

Sports psychology is used on virtually every level of sports activities few professional leagues. Sports psychology is not only professional sports, but also encourages the children, and sometimes even forces them to join the various groups, and participate in various sporting events. Cohesion can be divided into two categories:

Task cohesion: how well the team works together to achieve the objective, which will improve collaboration and the efforts of groups such as the victory in the local league.

ocial cohesion: how many people get along with each other.

Question 2

In many cases, love for the game sometimes turns into a love of money and the sport is not clean or the game is not for entertainment (Lerner; Ostrow; Yura & Etzel 2006). Participation in sport at an early age, teaches many lessons, and establishes a set of values necessary for success in life. Being a professional athlete, perhaps seen as a dream life, but being a professional athlete requires mental preparation than the average occupation.

Question 3

All variables discussed the role of communication models hypnosis. Just as any of interpersonal contexts, all the variables that play a role in the outcome of the final message received. Sender and the recipient must work together to ensure that hypnosis will be successful. They assume the responsibility of the role models and pressure of time looking at the national day and night. Millions of children complement of thousands of professional athletes in the country. Children's activities from the little league baseball to swimming to gymnastics in the school team participating in basketball, football and soccer (Weinberg & Gould 1995).

Question 4

The ultimate quest for sport psychologists is to determine what psychological factors of production a winning formula, or try to create a profile for a successful athlete. As part of the psychological attempts to define the "ideal athletic personality" has been only marginally successful (Turman 2001). One of the categories mentioned in order to understand and move towards the "ideal Athletic identity is that of psychological skills (PST)," He argued that the mental skills is a significant part of sports psychology and has a special importance for athletes and coaches "(Weinberg & Gould 1995 15).

Question 5

Many variables affect the effectiveness of the PST Program. (Turman 2001) model provides an effective overall framework for the implementation of the program and the PST has successfully identified key issues that need to be addressed. He, however, only an outline of variables that must be improved, and a variety of variables need to be considered for athletes of different practices and standards, as well as various sporting situations. This is described in Balague, when outlining the fact that successful programs PST requires psychological skills necessary to combine training with the specific ...
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