Sports Leadership- "everyone Else Is Doing It

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Sports Leadership- "Everyone Else is Doing It

Sports Leadership- "Everyone Else is Doing It


Step One: Information Gathering

The case that will be referred to for making this comprehensive analysis report is regarding a sports coach and her unethical dilemmas. There is a huge conflict of interest between the director Karen and the coach Lila, Karen is of the view that even tough Lila's work ethics are not up to the standard, she is doing a good job of being a coach hence she had been able to ignore a lot of ethical dilemmas created by Lila and have left her with a verbal warning which did not do much to discourage Lila from continuing those unethical practices. However it applies to every employee in any organization that with good performance employees following the code of conduct is equally important in order to maintain the overall decorum of the organization.

According to the case Lila had been unresponsive towards her administrative work, which was rolled over to other staff members which created grievances amongst the staff. The other unethical issues were her misusing her liberty of using the account from the university hockey team expenses for her personal expenditure like trips with her partners and other outlandish good such as costly computer screensaver and posters which she claimed to be a part of the team's expenses. Due to mounting pressure on Karen she decided to leave Lila with a warning of her getting fired if she continues such fraudulent practices. At the time of the warning Lila tried to look guilty and gave conformity of not continuing this practice however her statement claiming that everyone else on campus has been adopting the same practices said a lot about her actually her not feeling responsible for her actions at all.

And the case concludes with Karen discovering about Lila's part time for which again she was using universities budget to pay for her travelling costs being incurred due to her other job. The ending of this case leave a whole room for decision making process that would need to be applied in order to tackle this whole ethical dilemma in an appropriate and diplomatic manner by Karen.

The degree to which an individual realizes the consequences of his unethical actions is referred to as ethical perception this could be varying in all individuals contributed to their social upbringing and social environment. If we consider example, where an individual in cultures where taking bribe is not considered to be an ethical issue in routinely business dealing hence such an individual would not realize the consequence of his unethical behavior over other.



There are several moderating factors which are proposed to impact few or more phases of the decision making process in an ethical dilemma, with prominent organizational factors such as culture, organizational conflicts and hierarchy and line of authority. (Vitell and Hunt 1986 & Ferrell et al, 1989). There are also studies stated from Hunt and Vitell's theory (1986) that differences in industries ...