Sports Coaching

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Case Study on Adapted Physical Activity and Differentiation in Sports Coaching

Case Study on Adapted Physical Activity and Differentiation in Sports Coaching


Sports Coaching

Sports coaching entail the teachings and supervisory efforts of a coach. The activities of the coach involve giving instructions and directions, training the on-field processes of the given athletic team or of individual athletes. All the aspects of the sports have to be considered by the respective sports coach. This includes both the physical as well as the mental development of the concerned athletes, in group or of an individual. The primary job description of the coaching process ascribes the coaches to ascertain that the athletes adopt a continuous improvement in the array of the required physical elements of the sports. It is also required by the coaches to work and develop on the athletes mental elements of the sports. Thus, the sports coaches have to have more knowledge, insight and experiences of the concerned sport. This abundance of knowledge, insight and experiences has to be transferred to the athletes by the coach. This is done with the objective of developing and harnessing the skills of the athletes and building on the potential of the team or the individual. During contests coaching has to be focused on the tactical and strategic domains of the game. Sports coaches usually determine their charter of rules and regulations to maintain a student-teacher relationship dynamic. Further, it is vital that the coaches maintain and harness a drug free environment for their athletes. The sports coach has to set himself as a role model, a father figure both on and off the field of play. Coaches also have to ascertain that his players are protected and safe, both during practice sessions and during actual live plays.

The agenda of this paper is to develop arguments regarding social implications involved in coaching. The paper would outline and discuss the importance of adopted physical activities and differentiation in sports coaching.


Social Implications Involved in Coaching

Many scholars have endeavoured to develop a framework to analyse the social implications involved in coaching. Jones developed a model for analysing coaching using 3 interrelated concepts. These are the concepts of power, interaction and role. The concepts are used to critically evaluate the coaching dynamics. Jones is of the view that these concepts are often underplayed in significance, with respect to sports coaching. These concepts are essential and can help understand the array of cultural and social contexts, personal experiences and philosophies, professional practices and the application of all these dynamics in interconnection with each other. Thus, Jones's article is of the view that understanding the social dynamics of the coaching process is a fundamental step towards gauging better comprehension of the coaching practice. The insights can be utilized by the coaches to perform effectively in their professional roles (Jones, 2002, pp. 34-36).

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