Sport Managment

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Managing the Sports Events



Sport Grounds Safety Legislations3

Safety Certificate under the Acts4

Conditions for the qualified person4

How to get the safety certificate5

Information for the safety certificate5


Appeal against certificate6

Changes in the Safety Certificate6

Stakeholders and safety certificate7

The competency of issuing authority7

Work of Council after Safety Certificate7

Enforcing action in the time of breach8

Issue of warnings9

Lessening the capacity of ground9

Prohibition notice9

Issuing the caution10




Managing the Sports Events


An unfortunate incident of human stampede happened in Burnden Park on 9th March, 1946 in UK in Burnden football stadium. The reported deaths were 33 people and more than 400 people had injured in that crush. It was considered one of the deadliest events of human stampede in the history of British until the happening of 1971's stampede of Ibrox Park human crush. Investigators have attributed different reasons for it but most of the people claimed the overcrowding is the main reason for it. The estimated crowd capacity was 60,000 people and on that day, the crowd was said to cross the maximum limit of the capacity.

To enquire the reasons for stampede, the UK government appointed Moelwyn Hughes to produce an official report. In his final report he recommended number of policies and actions which include rigorous crowd control mechanism. As a voluntary code, local authorities were made liable to check the grounds those have more capacity of 10,000 people. It was further consider requirement in the meeting of regulation and licensing to place a safety measure for those playing grounds where the capacity exceeds 25,000 people.


The major stampede disaster raised many obvious questions. What were the reasons? Who was responsible for it? To answer these questions, two different sets of enquiries were initiated. The first was aimed to develop public policies to avoid the recurrence of such events and the other's purpose was to understand the range of attitude and behaviors, popular or official, which helps to establish factors for the policy formulation process.

The initial official response to disaster from football and club authorities and from national and local government was formally appropriate. On 25 May, justice R Moelwyn Hughes presented his report. In this report, he identified the contributing factors that led the tragic happening and also recommended different types of designs that can prove helpful to prevent the recurrence of such events in future. The results of the report got nationwide recognition and all the stake holders put their brain to develop the schemes that can prevent the happening of such incidents. Different football leagues and football association promised to co-operate one another to develop policies that can ensure the preventions of such disasters. The time realized the urge of new laws to be enacted to make the play grounds safer. There was complete absence of finger-pointing and acrimony among different state functionaries to accept the blame. All the relevant authorities including governments, police and football authorities showed solidarity and all of them were on the same page.

Sport Grounds Safety Legislations

The tragic incident of Burnden ground created the need to enact laws that can ensure the safety ...