Sport And Leisure

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Sport and Leisure

Sport and Leisure

Serious Leisure offer a way of encouraging community development


In the primary stage are particularly important sports and in general physical education. Sport can be critical to the development of aspects, both physical and psychological in the afterlife. In short, physical activity and sport is not only fun, but also health and, in essence, facilitates the development of the child. Early ages are undoubtedly the best to create and establish between / as children / as the habit of playing a sport, and that is why the school is the main organization that can promote and organize such activities. The proposed theme refers us, that the sport school education, will help us drive to stimulate competition, which makes us wonder if this can be achieved within the school year, it seems complicated, but by breaking down the situation a little practice we realize that not so, that when we teach sport education work all conditional capabilities (strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility) that are vital for adolescent development in addition to the technical merits as dribble, drive, dribble, intercept , receive, etc.

The above is applied, within the following sports that we see during the course as athletics, volleyball, soccer, basketball, and gymnastics. And within each unit unusual in a sport at school, for example baseball, flag football flag, tennis or racquetball, meeting the goals outlined in each work unit and especially promoting teamwork, the spirit of competition and reinforcers for practice, which will provide students with a confidence about her body trying to take them to complex movements that require greater effort to take them to be really competent, it may be participants in school sports and activities extracurricular.

Sport is one of the most popular of our time. Where it is produced and express some of the great values ??of contemporary society. Moragas says (1), that "the modern stories about good and evil, success and failure, luck and misfortune, victory and defeat, self and others, the collective identity the narrative found in their sport popular expressions. " A multidisciplinary approach of social sciences to the phenomenon of sport can help understand the role it plays in our society. In this paper we analyze some of aspects that create "synergies" between sport and society and culture and sport- education. That is, try to reflect on the social dimension of sport, from the effects this occurs in the forms of human life: integration, socialization or violence. We will also analyze the cultural effects of the sport. That is, its role as an educational tool.

The multidisciplinary nature of the analysis should not ignore other aspects of economy, politics and communication, which have a decisive influence in the sports phenomenon. So for example in the case of communication Moragas remember that it is now possible interpret the modern sport regardless of the reality constructed by the media: "Media communication not only disseminate the values ??and social practices of sport but transform them, involving millions of people who have never practiced nor practice any ...
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