Spiritual Need Assessment

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Spiritual Need Assessment

Spiritual Need Assessment


Spiritual need assessment is to address the relationship between the health care provider and the patient and the health care provider's role in spiritual care, those interested in the caring profession are called to examine the human aspects of relationships. It is also necessary for them to understand the benefits of addressing the spiritual needs and goals of the patient.

There are many levels of sharing spiritual moments with a patient. It can be as simple as asking if some moments of silent prayer would be helpful, or if there is a favorite religious book the patient would like read to them. The gentle perspective that does not intrude but, rather, invites a sharing may open floodgates of expression, as time allows. Listening to the patient's stories, concerns, fears, and connections may also open deeper sharing if it appears to be helpful. Furthermore, the interactions with family members can reveal ways for the health care provider to provide support to a patient in the quiet hours.


The spiritual concerns with patients can be accomplished by the following approaches:

Waiting for the patient's spiritual concerns.

Ask the patient to complete a written evaluation.

Ask the doctor to perform a query or spiritual assessment indicating their openness to a conversation.

The five questions on beliefs and faith, it becomes more flexible.

How do you or do you believe?

The disease you have now has this influenced your faith?

How do you practice your faith in your life?

How does your faith affect does your behavior during this illness?

What role does your faith play does next to your health?

This instrument is relatively brief, provides a comprehensive content regarding religious beliefs that influence health. This instrument is patient-centered, and comes from a reliable source (published in a professional journal published by professionals). It's a little painful, however, to remember these five questions.

Spiritual assessment tool of the FICAA

Christina Puchalski, assistant professor of medicine at the Medical Center George Washington University and director of the Institute of Spirituality & Health George Washington, has developed the following five questions that are easily accessible by using the memory mnemonic method of tax income, FICAA:

F - Faith

What is your faith tradition?

I - Importance

How your faith is important to you?

C - Community

What is your church or community in which you express your faith?

A - Application

How do you apply your faith and your religious beliefs in terms of spirituality in terms of health?

How can we contact and meet your needs in terms of spirituality?

This assessment tool is also short and has a reasonably well contained. It was published in a professional medical journal, and it is easy to remember each of the five qualifications in this assessment tool.

Support of intensive care patients is not limited to various bio-psycho-socials and cultural. The doctors, as caregivers, cannot do without, in a comprehensive approach to a fundamental part of human being: the spiritual ...
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