“spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life”

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“Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life”

“Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life”


“Spiritual Discipline for the Christian Life” is the book written by Donald S. Whitney, which is a ride towards enhancing your spirituality and bringing your life from chaos to peace. It contributes towards the spiritual development of an individual and growth by the intentional practices.. The author has followed footsteps Richard Foster, “Celebration of Discipline” as he has quoted in his work. There are many Christians who believe that spiritual disciplines as drudgery (White, 2010). But if one understands this book he will believe otherwise. This book is totally worth it and one has to read it multiple times to understand and reflect on each of the disciplines and their nuances. It provides one with a greater understanding about the Christian disciples.


The book by Donald Whitey teaches that for Christians practicing discipline is imperative, from a biblical point of view as well as personal. Freedom to grow into godliness is if one practices disciple. To become Christ like depends upon how one cultivates his spiritual discipline. This basic statement is the gist of what Whitney wants to say in the book.

Whitney writes on his account of how spiritual growth is promoted by personal and corporate disciplines along with God gifted means to pursue Godliness (Whitney, 2009). He doesn't make a long list of disciplines but only chooses ten which are biblically mandate that are discussed in the following report.

The beginning of the book is on the reason bible gives for practicing discipline and that all are practices which are expected. Their sole purpose is to glorify God and become similar to Christ. The author has explained every discipline in different chapters that are in accordance to the biblical perspective and also using some other additional referrals from the early Puritan writers and church fathers. Furthermore, the writer states the importance of every discipline, demonstrating the practical development in the area of discipline. The closures of the chapters are mostly with the application questions thus motivating and challenging the reader to create the likeness of Christ.

The author discusses the first discipline that is, Biblical Intake. The main aim of doing so was to clarify the obedience rather being superficial in learning. This is done by the private study, church preaching and scripture memorization.

The other discipline that is discussed after the Biblical Intake is Prayer. This helps in promoting closeness to God (Gallaty, 2009). Although, it should be planned on the regular basis but being spontaneous for prayer is also considered good. This can be followed by meditation on scripture. This seems to be the link between Bible Intake and Prayer.

Next come the discipline of Worship. This can be carried out privately as well as publicly. “It is to be focus on and response to God in sincerity” (Whitney, 2009, p.86). It is not the feeling rather a Biblical truth that is the reflection on God. Therefore, the author claims worship not being obligatory, yet it should be ...