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How to Minimize Gun Violence

General Purpose

To persuade.

Specific Purpose

To persuade students to minimize use of guns and gun violence.


The world today knows United States of America not as a place that was once associated with the word 'the American Dream', an America that was free from all kinds of crimes, where peace and harmony prevailed and everyone had the best living facilities. No doubt that today we are living with the best of the facilities and life style, but do we see any harmony and integrity amongst us? Do we feel safe walking down our street at night? Do we stop by to help people in the middle of the road when we see them asking for help? Do we step forward to save anyone who might be in trouble? Why? Because we never know that when and where our helping gesture would turn out to be a trouble for us! We never know when somebody would pull a gun at us and shoot us just for a few dollars! We never know when we might be robbed of our meager possessions with a gun on our head! We never know when we may lose our lives just with one pull of the trigger!

The crime rate in USA is rising by the minute and we are not far from the stage when people from around the world would laugh sarcastically at us when we would mention the word 'American Dream' in front of them. In most of the criminal activities that are reported, the major weapon used is hand guns and the major users are adolescents and adults. It was reported in the year 2008 that 16,272 murders took place and every victim died by the pull of trigger on a hand gun. The alarming number is increasing every year and as per the reports of the FBI, the same weapon is being used in rapes, assaults, robberies and vehicle theft as well. With such critical situation prevailing, the image of USA as a peaceful and crime free country is being tarnished and is practically killing the American dream. If measures are not taken, the situation would keep getting worst and in no time, every one of us would be having a handgun in our hands and killing without a second thought.

I have conducted a thorough research on the topic and have studied the statistic and figures of the involvement of youth in such criminal activities in great depth. In the next few minutes, I am going to present you with those alarming figures and propose solutions, following which, if not immediately, but slowly we can get ourselves back on the track for achieving a crimeless America. I will then present before you a comparison between the positive and negative impacts of the problem being discussed and how we, as individuals can play our part in curbing it.

Need Step

Hand guns are making a strong impact on the crime rate in the Unites States of ...