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Jawaharlal Nehru once said and I quote “Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves” unquote. My friends I greet you all with this inspirational quote as today is one of the most significant days of your life, which at least you would never forget throughout your life. Most of you would try your best to make every day a success and start everything with an objective in mind, portraying your skills and abilities where they could be utilized best. However, some may just try to stick to your jobs and pass the time, do nothing extra, nothing that would make a difference in your daily routines. My friends, my advice to the people who undertake this approach is to either quit the job or make a difference as towards the end of your respective careers, you do not want to look back with regret and have nothing to be proud of. Thus, my point is that it really does not matter how many years you have passed, but how much have you done for your colleagues, your nation and its citizens. And this is what the former President of India Jawaharlal Nehru said, which I quoted at the start of this speech.

Today; we all stand together but what is common between us is that I graduated from here and today after 44 years I am back here, and this is because of a reason, which is I did something which no one else from Philippines did, for which I am being given an achievement award. This award which is being given to me signifies that I worked hard and did such things that no other fellow of mine did. Today the purpose of my presence over here apart from receiving this achievement award is to tell my story and experiences to you in order to inspire you and guide you through the ups and down that would come in your life. What I expect form you is that you would learn from my experiences and would take on such a path in your life that after sometimes you are here too in my place, on this rostrum, giving a speech to a younger generation like you and taking achievement awards like I am taking.

When I graduated from this institution I joined the USAF where I got a short college degree of air force. This part of my life with relation to a number of you people, because like I said earlier that some of you might study further. So those of you who would study further might learn more than those who would already be working, but this does not imply that those who would be working would be left behind and would not achieve anything, because to achieve something you do not need high qualification, but a will to do something; something which every other person would not have thought of ...
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