Spectra Energy Corp.

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Spectra Energy Corp.

Spectra Energy Corp.


At Spectra Energy, we pride ourselves on creating a world-class work environment and offering the most advanced, sustainable energy solutions. The company's mission needs to be focused on customer satisfaction and information system. Information is a fundamental principle of the strategy; consequently, the SI is also a vital tool in corporate strategy. First, it allows employees of the organization to implement the decisions of the management. In addition, information systems are used to define a policy specific to the company.


We are Spectra Energy, North America's premier natural gas infrastructure company.


Spectra Energy had previously a traditional system that does not include a comprehensive information technology. It was just a little set of computerized instructions that were following in the company when it incorporated. The company had not implemented the management information system, but after the time passes it came to realize that how significant it is to implement the Management Information system to compete in the global and domestic market. The company just used the traditional computer model before implementing the Management Information System.

Integrity upholds the unity of a group; it is the backbone of our efficiency. They are therefore committed to doing business with the best ethics and professionalism. At Spectra Energy, our staff is expected to be of high moral standing. They believe a person's character is ultimately defined by what he does when no one else is around. Spectra Energy prides itself in carrying out its operations and dealings ethically and professionally. Integrity at Spectra Energy is executing all corporate social obligations and goals set out to the business or its neighboring communities with unshaken uprightness. Those not upholding their responsibility in the work environment corrupt team unity. They value the commitment of our employees. Spectra Energy values our talented and motivated staff and the contributions they make in achieving our company goals.

There is power in synergy. Our organized project teams collaborate, maximize, synergize and leverage differences to achieve superior results. Problems that arise are used as opportunity to learn and enhance the work environment. They are proactive and cost effective. At Spectra Energy, Excellence is not an act, but a habit. They view efficiency as increased productivity without wastefulness. This implies a constant desire to improve performance and achieve our goals efficiently. They are able to overcome misfortunes and adjust to change. Spectra Energy believes that resilience and perseverance are essential to the success of the organization. They instill dignity by appreciating the efforts of all in our organization. They believe in equal rights. At Spectra Energy our Workplace Conflict Management Systems promotes a productive and safe environment for all our employees. Spectra Energy is proud to maintain the safety and good health of all her staff and host communities. They respect the physical environment within which they operate and they try to keep it safe and clean for all our stakeholders.

Information System

Spectra Energy currently uses management information system that is also called performance management is a discipline of management comprising ...
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