Special Education Needs In Western Countries

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Special Education Needs in Western Countries

Special Education Needs in Western Countries



SEN in Western Countries1

Overview of SEN Students3

Definition of Dyslexia3

Theoretical Basis of Dyslexia4

Classification of Dyslexia4

Neurological Perspective of Dyslexia5

Parents and Teachers Dealing with Dyslexia Students6


Special Education Needs in Western Countries


In public education system the experience of Korea while dealing with special education needs (SEN) is limited. Since mid 90's the special education needs (SEN) students are centre of attention. The focus on special educational needs students initiated from this time and the quality of teachers with inclusive education is to be strengthening. As to improve the social perception at national level the Korean government need to implement disability awareness program in Korea. It is necessary that teachers will need to develop positive attitude towards the students of SEN (Kim, 2013, pp.1).

The inclusive education is preferred for the students of SEN. It was considered an important factor on the part of teachers and parents of special educational needs students. Inclusive education is necessary for SEN students as to resolve complicated issues that arises in fulfilling the needs of special education students. Special Education students of Korea face learning difficulty problems in which Dyslexia is the most common problem among students. The reading, spelling and learning difficulties of students captured in dyslexia. Dyslexia can be caused by a combination of phonological, visual and auditory processing deficits (Kim, 2013, pp.1). This booklet is developed as guide for Parents and Teachers while dealing with Special Education Needs Students.


SEN in Western Countries

Need of special education system in Korean school is depicted in Korean Law it states that “schools may not discriminate or refuse admission based on learning difficulties or special needs.” According to the ministry of education for the physical and disabled student's education will be free of cost. The ratio of special educational school in Korea is there are 754 nationwide classes and 29 special education schools in Seoul. The Korean law has identified the needs of special educational schools and their idea was to develop at least one special education children school in the providence. These students spend time in hospitals and at least they can continue their education while studying online (Special Needs Education, 2013, pp.1).

Around 25 years children have right to educate either they are normal children or children with special education needs. According to the national definition of students with special education needs gathered the school aged pupil with SEN. The data was collected around 27 countries national wide. Highest proportion with social education children need is found in Iceland among 4 children 1 will be SEN Child. The graphical presentation is illustrated below.

(Reference: Child Well-Being Module; pp.2)

The above graphical presentation illustrates that Iceland is number 1 position as majority of special education needs students found in Iceland. The proportion of other countries related to special education need children is 1% children belong to Korea with these issues and 10% of children identified in United States with special education needs (SEN).

Overview of SEN Students

The students of SEN faced learning difficulties, ...
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