Special Education

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Special Education

Special Education


Special education is the education for students who are disabled and need special requirements to fulfill their education desires. This system is preplanned and need evaluation of a continuous system with different equipments and materials available for special children. The special needs include different learning tasks, communication challenges and behavioral disorder management. Several students who need special education are facilitated by the special training and different materials which are available for them in order to make timely delivery of education. There are special schools which are available to provide proper teaching facilities to special students.


Why teachers need special equipment and training materials to teach special children?

The answer is obvious as special children are not like normal students and, they have low mental capability. Some of them are handicap who do not use their hands and tongue, few cannot see the writing and some are deaf. Therefore, special teaching materials and equipments are essential to teach such students in order to make them competent in the market. Students are easily identified from their medical history that they need special education and, few of them are diagnosed with the genetic and behavioral disorders. Some students are not identified easily and have just learning problems but they are also considered as special children and for this purpose, I highlight two models which are used to recognize such students. One of the best models is discrepancy model and the other is response to intervention model. The first model help the teacher to identify that which students are below from their expectations and, not performing up to the mark of the standard. On the other hand, the other model which is response to intervention model highlights earlier intervention of special children. In the first model, students receive different special educational services for particular learning difficulty (SLD) because of having limited intelligence and, due to the low achievement when compare to the standard of the school or curriculum. Discrepancy model is not highlighted as the best model because; it has some limitations in highlighting the special children.

In response to the question “what are the advantages of special education”?” I would like to say that one of the advantage of the special education program is to highlight the students' requirements on individual basis and, these programs are individualized because, it is necessary to pay proper attention to a single student who is considered as a special children. This program helps to evaluate the strength and weakness of the student and there may be certain modification in the curriculum and teaching material due to students' special needs. In some cases, these students do not feel comfortable in large and busy classrooms, and then there is a need to shift such students to smaller classroom which may be a resource room. It order to understand the concept of special training and education, we should first understand the judgment criteria of special children.

In response to the question asked by the author that which is the best approach ...
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